Jesús María Coronado Caro

Jesús María Coronado Caro

infobox bishopbiog
name = Jesús María Coronado Caro, S.D.B.

religion=Roman Catholic Church
See = Diocese of Duitama-Sogamoso
Title = Bishop of Diocese of Duitama-Sogamoso
Period = 1981 - 1994
Predecessor = Julio Franco Arango
Successor = Carlos Prada Sanmiguel
ordination = August 31 1947
post = Priest | date of birth = birth date and age|1918|1|18
place of birth = Cienega, Colombia

Jesús María Coronado Caro S.D.B. , (born January 18 1918) is a Colombian Prelate of Roman Catholic Church. At age|1918|1|18, is one of oldest Roman Catholic bishops and is the one of oldest Colombian bishops.

Jesús María Coronado Caro was born in Cienega, Colombia, ordained a priest on August 31 1947 from the religious order of Salesians of Don Bosco. Appointed as prefect to the Ariari on January 19 1964. Appointed bishop of Diocese of Girardot on February 10 1973 and ordained bishop on March 24 1973. He was then appointed to Diocese of Duitama-Sogamoso July 30 1981 and retired from diocese on June 21 1994.

ee Also

*List of oldest Catholic bishops
* Diocese of Duitama-Sogamoso
*Diocese of Girardot

External Links

* [ Catholic-Hierarchy]

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