Felice A. Beato

Felice A. Beato

Felice A. Beato and Felice Antonio Beato are collective signatures used by the brothers Felice Beato and Antonio Beato, who were both photographers in the 19th century. The brothers sometimes worked together, signing their photographs collectively. Consequently it was long assumed that such photographs were the work of one photographer who somehow managed to photograph at the same time in places as distant as Egypt and Japan. It was only in 1983 that the truth of the matter was revealed, in a paper by Italo Zannier. The confusion arising from the signatures continues to cause problems in identifying which of the two photographers was the creator of a given image. Both signatures may refer to either or both photographers.


* "Antonio e Felice Beato" (Venice: Ikona Photo Gallery, 1983).
* Bennett, Terry. "Early Japanese Images" (Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1996).
* Zannier, Italo. "Verso oriente: Fotografie di Antonio e Felice Beato" (Florence: Alinari, 1986).

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