Alfred-Marie Liénard

Alfred-Marie Liénard

Alfred-Marie Liénard (* April 2, 1869 in Amiens; † April 29, 1958 in Paris), was a French physicist and engineer. He is most well known for his invention of the Liénard-Wiechert Potentials.

From 1887-1889 Liénard was a student at the École Polytechnique and from 1889-1892 at the École des mines de Paris. From 1892-1895 he was a mining engineer in Valencia, Marseille, and Angers. From 1895-1908 he was Professor at the École des Mines de Saint-Étienne and from 1908-1911 he was Proffessor of electrical engineering at the École des mines de Paris. In World War I he served in the French Army.

Liénard worked in the fields of electricity, magnetism, and mechanics. In 1898 (and two years after him Emil Wiechert), he derived what is now called the Liénard-Wiechert Potentials. He also investigated problems related to the elasticity and strength of materials, and wrote papers on thermodynamics and hydrodynamics.

Liénard was a commander of the Légion d'honneur. He was also vice-president of the Société Française des Électriciens and he was president of the Société Mathématique de France.


author=Marc Jouguet
title=La vie et l'oeuvre scientifique de Alfred-Marie Liénard
journal=Exposé fait en séance mensuelle de la Société française des Electriciens, le 4 décembre

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* [ Alfred-Marie Liénard]

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