Philotheca spicata

Philotheca spicata

name = Pepper and Salt

image_caption = "Philotheca spicata" in "Kalamunda National Park"
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Sapindales
familia = Rutaceae
genus = "Philotheca"
species = "P. spicata"
binomial = "Philotheca spicata"
binomial_authority = (A.Rich.) Paul G.Wilson
synonyms = "Eriostemon spicatus" A.Rich. "Eriostemon effusus" Turcz. "Eriostemon ebracteatus" Endl. "Eriostemon racemosus" Endl.|
"Philotheca spicata" , commonly known as Pepper and Salt, is a shrub in the family Rutaceae. The species is endemic to south-west Western Australia. It usually grows to between 0.2 and 0.6 metres in height, and produces pink flowers from June to November in its native range.FloraBase|name="Philotheca spicata" |id=18529 ]

The species was first described in 1834 by French botanist Achille Richard who gave it the name "Erisotemon spicatum", later amended to "Eriostemon spicatus." It was transferred to the genus "Philotheca" by Paul G. Wilson in 1998. [APNI | name ="Philotheca spicata" | id =218019 ]


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