

Videocracy is the power of the image over society. ["Towards a "Videocracy"? Italian Political Communication at a Turning Point", European Journal of Communication 10 (3), 1995, pp.291-319] [ [] ]


"Voter-generated-content", such as videos on Youtube, have been identified as examples of a developing videocracy. [ [ American Studies at Osnabrück University website] ]

In Italy, the election of Silvio Berlusconi as Prime Minister in 1994 was seen by many as a "media coup d'état [and] a drift towards 'videocracy'". [ [ Miller, Toby, "Television: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies", Routledge, 2003, p. 40] ]

John Kifner writes that in Romania a 'videocracy' was involved in the overthrow of Nicolae Ceauşescu in the "first revolution on live television". [ [ Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi, Ali Mohammadi, "Small Media, Big Revolution: Communication, Culture, and the Iranian Revolution", University of Minnesota Press, 1994, p. xix] ]

ee also

Logocracy - any system where the 'word' is the key to power, and therefore seen by some as the opposite to videocracy. [ [] ]

Notes and references

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