Jardin botanique Méditerrannéen

Jardin botanique Méditerrannéen

The Jardin botanique Méditerrannéen, also known as the Jardin botanique à Durban-Corbières, is a privately-owned botanical garden that contains more than 500 species of plants from the Mediterranean Basin. It is located on the Route d'Albas in Durban-Corbières, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France, and is open daily; an admission fee is charged.

See also

* List of botanical gardens in France


* [http://maisonbotanique11.free.fr/ Jardin botanique Méditerrannéen]
* [http://www.jardinslanguedoc.com/jardins/jardins.php?pj=50 Jardins Languedoc entry (French)]
* [http://www.parcsetjardins.fr/languedoc_roussillon/aude/jardin_botanique_mEditErrannEen-237.html Parcs et Jardins entry (French)]
* [http://www.gralon.net/tourisme/parcs-et-jardins/info-jardin-botanique-mediterranneen-228.htm Gralon.net entry (French)]

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