the straw that breaks the camel's back — see ↑straw • • • Main Entry: ↑camel … Useful english dictionary
(the) straw that breaks the camel's back — the last in a series of unpleasant events which finally makes you feel that you cannot continue to accept a bad situation. Losing my job was bad enough but having the relationship end like that was the straw that broke the camel s back … New idioms dictionary
(the) straw that breaks the camel's back — the last/final ˈstraw | the ˌstraw that breaks the camel s ˈback idiom the last in a series of bad events, etc. that makes it impossible for you to accept a situation any longer Main entry: ↑strawidiom … Useful english dictionary
Straw that broke the camel's back — The idiom the straw that broke the camel s back is from an Arab proverb about how a camel wearing shoes is loaded beyond its capacity to moveFact|date=October 2007. This is a reference to any process by which cataclysmic failure (a broken back)… … Wikipedia
it is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back — The metaphor is also used allusively, especially in the phrase the last straw. 1655 J. BRAMHALL Defence of True Liberty of Human Actions 54 It is the last feather may be said to break an Horses back. 1793 in Publications of Colonial Society of… … Proverbs new dictionary
straw that broke the camel's back — The straw that broke the camel s back is the problem that made you lose your temper or the problem that finally brought about the collapse of something. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Straw that broke the camel's back — The straw that broke the camel s back is the problem that made you lose your temper or the problem that finally brought about the collapse of something … Dictionary of English idioms
the straw that broke the camel's back — noun A small and seemingly insignificant addition to a burden that renders it too much to bear; the small thing which causes failure, or causes inability or unwillingness to endure any more of something. As the last straw breaks the laden camels… … Wiktionary
it\ is\ the\ last\ straw\ that\ breaks\ the\ camel's\ back — • last straw • (it is the) last straw that breaks the camel s back n. phr. A small trouble which follows other troubles and makes one lose patience and be unable to bear them. Bill had a bad day in school yesterday. He lost his knife on the way… … Словарь американских идиом
straw\ that\ breaks\ the\ camel's\ back — • last straw • (it is the) last straw that breaks the camel s back n. phr. A small trouble which follows other troubles and makes one lose patience and be unable to bear them. Bill had a bad day in school yesterday. He lost his knife on the way… … Словарь американских идиом