- Edmund W. Pendleton
Edmund W. Pendleton is an American
research and development engineer, pilot, flight instructor, and author of technical publications on the subject of aerospace engineering. He is employed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base inDayton ,Ohio where he has worked on numerous aerospace related projects. He is specialized in the technical area ofaeroelasticity and served as a program manager and chief engineer of the "X-53"Active Aeroelastic Wing flight research program from 1992 through 2005. [Pendleton, E., " Active Aeroelastic Wing,” AFRL Technology Horizons, Selected Science and Technology Articles, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2000.] [Pendleton, E., Flick, P., Voracek, D., Reichenbach, E., Griffin, K., Paul, D., “The X-53, A Summary of the Active Aeroelastic Wing Flight Research Program,” Paper 07-1855, Proceedings of the 48th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 23-26, 2007.] [Pendleton, E., Bessette, D., Field P., Miller, G., and Griffin, K., "Active Aeroelastic Wing Flight Research Program: Technical Program & Model Analytical Development ," Journal of Aircraft, Volume 37, Number 4, July-August, 2000.DEFAULTSORT:Pendleton, Edmund W.]He holds engineering degrees from
Wright State University (1979) and theUniversity of Dayton (1984) and a degree in National Resource Strategy from theNational Defense University ,Washington, D.C. (2003) [Buck, Col. D., Spacey, Col. W., Pendleton, Mr. E., et al., “Space Industry Study Final Report, Spring 2003," The Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, Washington DC, June 2003.] [Pendleton, E., “Some Key Attributes of Successful Government Research Organizations,”, Senior Acquisition Policy Paper, The Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, Washington DC, June 2003.] . He is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio since 1984.Authored technical papers
Griffin, K, and Pendleton, E.,” A Hybrid Launch Vehicle Design Concept Based on Recent Industry Studies, A Consensus View,” Paper AIAA 2008-1135, Proceedings of the 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 7-10, 2008.
Pendleton, E., Flick, P., Voracek, D., Reichenbach, E., Griffin, K., Paul, D.,“The X-53,A Summary of the Active Aeroelastic Wing Flight Research Program,” Paper 07-1855, Proceedings of the 48th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 23-26, 2007.
Zweber, J., and Pendleton, E., “Multiple Attribute Decision Making Techniques Applied to Reusable Responsive Spacelift,” Paper 07-1861, Proceedings of the 48th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 23-26, 2007.
Pendleton, E., Zweber, J., and Johnson, R.G., “A Technology Readiness Assessment for Affordable, Responsive Hybrid Launch Vehicles,” AFRL-VA-WP-TR-2006-3198, October 2006.
Pendleton, E., Reichenbach, E., Griffin, K., et al., “A Summary Matrix of Lessons Learned for the Active Aeroelastic Wing Flight Research Program,” US Industry Aerospace Flutter and Dynamics Council Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, May 11-12, 2005.
Buck, Col. D., Spacey, Col. W., Pendleton, Mr. E., et al., “Space Industry Study Final Report, Spring 2003," The Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, Washington DC, June 2003.
Pendleton, E., “Some Key Attributes of Successful Government Research Organizations,”, Senior Acquisition Policy Paper, The Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, Washington DC, June 2003.
Voracek, D., Pendleton, E., Reichenbach, E., Griffin, K., Welch, L., “The Active Aeroelastic Wing Flight Research Program: Summary of Technical Program & Phase I Flight Research," NATO RTO Applied Vehicle Technology Meeting on Novel Vehicle Concepts and Emerging Vehicle Technologies, Brussels, Belgium, 7-10 April 2003.
Pendleton, E., Sanders, B., Flick, P., and Sensburg, O., “Controllable Aeroelastic Lifting Systems, A Return to Aviation’s Beginnings and a Step Closer to Nature," European Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, Madrid, Spain, June 5-7, 2001.
Pendleton, E., "How Active Aeroelastic Wings are a Return to Aviation’s Beginning and a Small Step to Future Bird-like Wings," Invited Paper, Japan Society of Aeronautical and Space Sciences Aircraft Symposium, Sendai, Japan, October 11, 2000.
Pendleton, E., " Active Aeroelastic Wing,” AFRL Technology Horizons, Selected Science and Technology Articles, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2000.
Pendleton, E., "Back to the future, How Active Aeroelastic Wings are a Return to Aviation’s Beginning and a Small Step to Future Bird-like Wings," Keynote Paper, NATO RTO Meeting on Active Control Technology for Enhanced Performance Operational Capabilities of Military, Land Vehicles and Sea Vehicles , Braunschweig, Germany, May 8, 2000.
Pendleton, E., Bessette, D., Field P., Miller, G., and Griffin, K., "Active Aeroelastic Wing Flight Research Program: Technical Program & Model Analytical Development ," Journal of Aircraft, Volume 37, Number 4, July-August, 2000.
Pendleton, E., Bessette, D., Field P., Miller, G., and Griffin, K., "Active Aeroelastic Wing Flight Research Program: Technical Program & Model Analytical Development, " Paper 98-1972, Proceedings of the 39th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference , Long Beach, California, 20-23 April 1998.
Pendleton, E., and DeCamp, R.,“Active Aeroelastic Wing Flight Research Program Management Plan,” August 1997.
Honlinger, H., Hutin, P.M., and Pendleton, E., " The Benefits of Active and Passive Aeroelastic Design," Proceedings of the AGARD Structures and Material Panel, Spring 1996, Paris, France, April 1997.
Pettit, C., Brown, D., Banford, M., and Pendleton, E., "Full Scale Wind Tunnel Pressure Measurements of an F/A-18 Tail During Buffet," Journal of Aircraft , Volume 33, Number 6, Pages 1148-1156, December 1996.
Moses, R. and Pendleton, E., "A Comparison of Pressure Measurements Between a Full Scale and a 1/6 Scale F/A-18 Twin Tail During Buffet," Proceedings of the AGARD Structures and Materials Panel, Loads and Requirements for Military Aircraft Workshop, Fall 1996, Florence, Italy, September 1996.
Moses, R. and Pendleton, E., " A Comparison of Pressure Measurements Between a Full-Scale and a 1/6 Scale F/A-18 Twin Tail During Buffet," NASA Technical Memorandum 110282, August 1996.
Pendleton, E., Griffin, K., Kehoe, M., and Perry, B., "A Flight Research Program for Active Aeroelastic Wing Technology ," Paper 96-1574, Proceedings of the 37th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference , Salt Lake City, Utah, 15-17 April 1996.
Pettit, C., Brown, D., and Pendleton, E., "Wind Tunnel Tests of Full-Scale F/A-18 Twin Tail Buffet: A Summary of Pressure and Response Measurements," Paper 94-3476, Proceedings of the AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, Scottsdale, Az., August 1994.
Pettit, C., Banford, M., Brown, D., and Pendleton, E.,"Pressure Measurements on an F/A-18 Twin Vertical Tail in Buffeting Flow," Volumes I, II, III and IV, WL-TM-94-3039, 3065, 3132, 3112 Dayton, Ohio, August 1994.
Pendleton, E., Moster, G., and Keller, D., "Transonic Aeroelastic Models of Hypersonic Highly Swept Lifting Surfaces," Journal of Aircraft, Volume 32, Number 6, November-December 1995.
Pendleton, E., Moster, G., and Farmer, M., "Transonic Aeroelastic Models of Hypersonic Highly Swept Lifting Surfaces: Design, Analyses, and Test," Proceedings of the 35th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Hilton Head, S. Carolina, April 1994.
Pendleton, E., "A NASP (X-30) Stabilator Transonic Aeroelastic Model," Paper No. 10, Proceedings of the NASP Technology Review, Monterey, California, April 1993.
Pendleton, E., "National Aero-Space Plane (X-30), Design 201, Horizontal Lifting Surface Model," AFWAL-TM-92-355-FIBR, Dayton, Ohio, December 1992.
Pendleton, E., Lee, M., and Wasserman, L., "Application of Active Flexible Wing Technology to the Agile Falcon," Journal of Aircraft, Volume 29, Number 3, May-June 1992.
Pendleton, E., Lee, M., and Wasserman, L.,"An Application of the Active Flexible Wing Concept to an F-16 Derivative Wing Model," Proceedings of the 32nd AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Baltimore, Md, April 1991.
Pendleton, E., Lee, M., and Wasserman, L., "A Low Speed Flexible Model Simulating an F-16 Derivative Wing Design," WRDC TR-90-3083, Dayton, Ohio, January 1990.
Dobbs, S., Honlinger, H., and Pendleton, E., "Design and Wind Tunnel Tests of a European Fighter Type Fin Aeroelastic Model," WRDC-TR-89-3130, Dayton, Ohio, March 1990.
Pendleton, E., Sallee, V., Blair, M., and Huttsell, L., "A Review of Aeroelasticity Research at the Flight Dynamics Laboratory," Proceedings of the European Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics 1989, Aachen, West Germany, April 1989.
Pendleton, E., French, M., and Noll, T., "A Comparison of Flutter Analyses for a 45 Degree Swept Transonic Model," Proceedings of the AIAA Aircraft Design, Systems and Operations Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, September 1987.
Pendleton, E.,"Supersonic Flutter Analysis of a 45 Degree Swept Transonic Model," AFWAL-TM-86-232-FIBR, Dayton, Ohio, November 1986.
Pendleton, E., "Vibration and Subsonic Flutter Analysis of a 45 Degree Swept Transonic Model," AFWAL-TM-85-230, Dayton, Ohio, November 1985.
Pendleton, E., "A Three Degree of Freedom Flutter Model with External Stores", Volume I and II, AFWAL-TM-85-162-FIBR, Dayton, Ohio, May 1986.
Hertz, T. and Pendleton, E., "The Effect of Stores Carriage on Body-Freedom Flutter,",Proceedings of the AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel Symposium on Store-Airframe Aerodynamics Fall 1985, Athens, Greece, October 1985.
Pendleton, E.,"Vibration Test Results of a Forward Swept Wing Model with External Stores," AFWAL-TM-84-230-FIBR, Dayton, Ohio, January 1985.
Pendleton, E., and Noll, T., "XWING Preliminary Flutter and Divergence Analysis," AFWAL-TM-83-186-FIBR, Dayton, Ohio, July 1983.
Pendleton, E., "Vibration Testing Results of a Forward Swept Wing Model with Fuselage Pitch Freedom,” AFWAL-TM-83-178-FIBR, Dayton, Ohio, June 1982.
Pendleton, E., "Static Load Deflection Testing of a Forward Swept Wing Model,” Volume 1, 2, and 3, AFWAL-TM-81-93-FIBRC, Dayton, Ohio, August 1981.
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