Odio Por Amor

Odio Por Amor

Infobox Single
Name = Odio Por Amor

Artist = Juanes
from Album = La Vida... Es un Ratico Special Edition
Released = September 8 2008
Format = CD Promo single
Recorded = August 8 2008
Genre = Latin, Rock en Español
Length = 4:02
Label = Universal
Writer = Juanes
Producer =
Last single = "Tres"

This single = "Odio Por Amor"
Next single =

"Odio Por Amor" (Eng.: "Hate for Love") is the title of a song written and performed by Colombian singer-songwriter Juanes. This song will be included on his studio album "La Vida... Es un Ratico Special Edition"

ong history

The song received a world wide distribution on September 8 2008 and was recorded on August 8 2008 with the band that joins Juanes on tour. It is the first single from his latest album reissue. The singer said about the song: "It is a powerful anthem for love and change, an universal need to change hate for love". This track was written while Juanes was on the spanish leg of his tour and he refused to wait two year to release it on his next album. [cite web |title="Juanes presentó la canción 'Odio por amor', un sencillo extra de su álbum 'La vida es un ratico'(In Spanish)"|publisher=Estereofonica.com|author=Universal Music Colombia|url=http://www.estereofonica.com/article.php?sid=10325|date=2008-09-08|accessdate=2008-09-21] The music video for this single was directed by Agustín Alberdi and shooted on a militar base near Buenos Aires, Argentina on a twelve hour session on location in Morón. On this video Juanes is shown driving a toy car, travelling through the world collecting flags from different countries. [cite web |title="Otro Ratico para Juanes"(In Spanish)"|publisher=Univision Online|author=Universal Music Colombia|url=http://www.univision.com/content/content.jhtml?cid=1660571|date=2008-09-08|accessdate=2008-09-21]



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