Wak Wak

Wak Wak

Infobox Philippine mythology

title = Wak Wak (Wuk Wuk)
description = Philippine ghoul
gender = Male/female
region = Philippines
equivalent = Ekek, Manananggal

A Wak Wak or Wuk Wuk were the creatures in Philippine Mythology that said to be snatching human as their preys. Sometimes they were confused with the "Manananggal" and "Ekek" in some areas by the Filipinos) because both of these creatures were flying at night. The difference between "Mananggal" and "Wak Wak" is that "Wak Wak" can not divide their body into two while "Manananggal" can. Wak-wak is a bird-like creature that comes out at night looking for victims. The sound of a "wak-wak" is usually associated with the presence of an Unglu (vampire), or, some believe it is a form a vampire takes. [cite web | last = | first = | title = Wak-wak| url = http://en.wikipilipinas.org/index.php?title=Wak-wak| accessdate = 2008-13-09 ]

It was also believed that this monster was called "Wak-Wak" after the sound it makes when it flaps its wings while flying. When you hear the sound of the "wak-wak", it is looking for possible victims. If the sound of the Wak-Wak is loud, it means that it is far from you. Otherwise, it is near and worse yet, it is about to attack. It slashes and mutilates its victims and feed on their hearts. [cite web | last =| first = | title = Da Adventure of Pendro Penduko| url= http://en.wikipilipinas.org/index.php?title=List_of_mythical_and_supernatural_beings_and_objects_in_Pedro_Penduko_%28TV_series%29| accessdate = 2008-13-09 ]

They were often describe by old folks to have long sharps nails and a pair of wings that looks like of that of bat. They uses their long sharp nails or claw to slash their vistime and to get their heart. Sometimes, many said that their wings are also sharp just like a knife. [cite book |last= |first= |authorlink= mella, aLfie vera|coauthors= |title=Mga Engkanto: A Bestiary of Filipino Fairies|year=2003 |publisher= eLf ideas Publication|location=Philippines |isbn= |pages = ]


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