Josef Maria Horváth

Josef Maria Horváth

Josef Maria Horváth (b. 20 December 1931 in Pécs, Hungary) is a Hungarian composer, pianist, and conductor.


At the Jesuit School of his hometown he learned to play the organ. After high school he studied Piano, Composition, and Conducting at the Liszt Academy in Budapest. In 1956 he was awarded his diploma with distinction, and shortly thereafter settled in neighboring Austria. Here he continued his studies at the Salzburg Mozarteum, concentrating on Piano, Composition, and Electronic Music. During his studies he developed a successful career as a pianist and conductor, frequently offering his own works. After 1962 he diminished his activities as a performer, concentrating almost exclusively on composition. He was also appointed Professor for Counterpoint, Piano, and the Theory and Praxis of New Music at the University Mozarteum in Salzburg. Horváth’s works are of impeccable craftsmanship and great beauty, and have been edited by Doblinger in Vienna.

elected works

* "Passacaglia" for string orchestra (1955)
* "Redundanz 1", for wind octet (1966)
* "Redundanz 2", for string quartet (1967)
* "Redundanz 3", for wind octet and string quartet (1968)
* "Tombeau de Gigue", for orchestra (1971)
* "Melencolia" for solo violin solo and orchestra (1972)
* "Sothis", for 13 instruments (1977)
* "Sonata piccola", for organ (2005)


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