

Transmediation is the process of recreating the meaning of a text from one medium to another (e.g. from a novel to a film).

Transmediation refers to the process of "responding to cultural texts in a range of sign systems -- art, movement, sculpture, dance, music, and so on -- as well as in words." [ Semali and Fueyo] Transmediation can include response to traditional printed texts, as well as Multimedia materials including Video, Animation, a Website, a Podcast, etc.

We live in a mediacentric society filled with diverse sign systems. Transmediation can also be conceived of as Multimedia communication and literacy activities. When people engage as consumers or producers of media in any form, they are engaging in transmediation.

Transmediation is closely linked to Semiotics, which is the study of signs. Academic researchers and educators interested in transmediation are often also interested in Media literacy, Visual literacy, Information literacy, and Critical literacy.

[ Leonard Shlain] highlights the importance of engaging students in the process of transmediation when writing, "Digital information comes in multiple forms, and students must learn to tell stories not just with words and numbers but also through images, graphics, color, sound, music, and dance. There is a grammar and literacy to each of these forms of communication. Bombarded with a wide variety of images regularly, students need sharp visual-interpretation skills to interact with the media analytically. Each form of communication has its own rules and grammar and should be taught in ways that lead students to be more specific and concise in communicating."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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