- African Institute for Future Studies
name = African Institute for Future Studies
motto = Futuri Scientia et Conscientia
established = 1989
type = Public
city =Kinshasa
state =Kinshasa
country =Democratic Rep. of Congo
school = INADEP-Centre for Egyptology
campus = Mont-Amba
nickname = INADEP
head =Mgr. T. Tshibangu Tshishiku |The African Institute for Future Studies, also known as Panafrican Institute for Future Studies or INADEP, was founded in 1989 by the President of Congo-Kinshasa (Ordinance 89-287 of 9 November 1989). It is located in
Kinshasa . In addition to subsidiary departments that are funded for the future studies or for the exploration of the future, INADEP has funded a Centre for the exploration of the past, named: Diop's Center for Egyptology.INADEP is a Member of the National Research Council of Congo and one of the National Government Organizations devoted exclusively to Scientific Research and to the Formation of a New Generation of Top-Researchers in Africa.
* 1976 : The United Nations Organisation, through its Economic Commission for Africa (EGA) launches the idea of founding an African Institute for Studies of the Future.
* 1977 : The IXth Conference for ECA ministers defines the objectives of the so-called Institute.
* 1980 : Professor Mahdi ELMANDJRA makes a faisibility study entitled Report on the Desirability and Feasibility of Establishing an African Institute for Advanced public Policy Analysis and Future Studies.
* 1981 : The OAU summit held in Nairobi approves the idea of founding an Institute for decolonising the future.
* 1982 : The Conference for EGA Ministers approves the idea of establishing the Institute.
* 1987 : Publication, on the request of UNDP, of the book "Reconquering the Future".KINSHASA
* 1985 : The International Symposium on Africa and its Future thinks it is appropriate to start an African Centre for Studies of the Future.
*1985 : President MOBUTU Sese Seko agrees to the African Scholars' idea and offers to provide initial infrastructural facilities in Kinshasa.FOUNDATION
* 1989 : Ordinance 89-287 of 9 November 1989 prescribes the foundation of a public institution called Institut Africain d'Etudes Prospectives (INADEP).
* 1990 : Foundation of the Center for Egyptology within INADEPOBJECTIVES
« The Institute is an Africa-oriented study centre and, as such, pursues the following main objectives :
*— provide institutional facilities for long term research on international, political, cultural, economic, sociological, and technical modifications to the African or world situation in the present or in the future;
*— assess strategies, indicate the various options available, and offer a just and balanced picture of the future as well as propose directives for a planified realisation of the objectives proposed »(Art. 3 of the ordinance).UPPORT
The INADEP receives support and encouragement from:
* — international institutions such as UNDP, OAU, EGA, UNESCO, UNICEF, ABDA, ABD, EEC, WORLD BANK, etc.
* — specialised centres of France, Great Britain, Germany, the United States, Scandinavian Countries, Japan, the Soviet Union.
* — World Association for Social " Prospective " (AMPS/Geneva and Porto Novo).PROGRAMME
1. Immediate Actions
* — Campaign for the adhesion of African Countries;
* — Campaign for the obtention of assistance expected from international organisations.2. Activities of the Institute
* A. Documentation and Basic Equipment Department;
* B. Centre for Computirised Data;
* C. Research Units
* - General Concepts and methods of Future Studies ;
* - Analysis and definition of Main Directions of Development ;
* - " Bibliologie " or Graphic communication ;
* - Training Department: by means of conferences, retraining and in-service sessions, short courses, etc.;
* - Organisation of Colloquia and Symposia; D. Studies for the prevention of social deviances;
* E. Publishing Department : Editions Universitaires Africaines /EDUAF;3.The establishment within INADEP of a Centre for Egyptology
* Chairman of Centre for Egyptology: Mubabinge Bilolo
External links
* [http://ocpa.irmo.hr/about/Kinshasa_Report-en.pdf INADEP]
* [http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89ducation_en_R%C3%A9publique_d%C3%A9mocratique_du_Congo Education et recherche Congo-Kinshasa]
* [http://www.speedylook.com/Education_as_a_Democratic_republic_of_Congo.html Education and Research in Congo]
* [http://www.aefkw.uni-hd.de/links_aegyptologie.html Membership]
* [http://www.iae.lmu.de/iae/memlist-2006.html Association International Association of Egyptologists]
* [http://www.ccer.nl/ccer/INSTLIST.HTML CCER List of Egyptologists]
* [http://www.lepotentiel.com/afficher_article.php?id_edition=&id_article=24493 Revue de l'INADEP]
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