Infobox Software
name = PEtALS ESB

caption =
developer = OW2 & [http://www.ebmwebsourcing.com EBM Websourcing ]
latest release version = 2.2.1
latest release date = release date|2008|09|23
latest preview version =
latest preview date =
operating system = Cross-platform
programming language = Java
genre = enterprise service bus
license = LGPL 2.0
website = http://petals.ow2.org

PEtALS is the open source ESB, from OW2 Consortium. It is a tool for service-oriented architecture implementing (SOA).It is standard, modular, and physicaly distributed, to adapt large scale infrastructures.

PEtALS is based on JBI (JSR 208) industry specification. It was the first ESB certified by SUN, under the [http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=208 JSR 208 TCK] [ [http://ebmwebsourcing.com/blog/trackback/christophehamerling/Weblog/petals_certified_by_sun_microsystems (2008), Christophe Hamerling, PEtALS Certified JSR-208 by SUN Microsystem] ] .

Fractal deployment framework [ [http://fdf.gforge.inria.fr/ Fractal Deployment Framework, open source extensible component-based framework to deploy distributed and heterogeneous software systems] ] , JBI pluggable components, and open source licensing, make it modular and customizable.

The originality of PEtALS is to implement a highly distributed topology [ [http://www.infoq.com/articles/louis-esb-topologies (2008) Adrien Louis, ESB Topology alternatives, InfoQ] ] . This decentralized approach enables native clustering, and fault-tolerant infrastructured.

The first stable version of PEtALS was released on September 21, 2006 [ [http://www.nabble.com/Re:--rntl-esb-2005--Petals-1.0-final-version-!-p6442708.html (2006) Adrien Louis, PEtALS 1.0 community announcement, OW2 mailing list archive] ] .


PEtALS main technical features :
* Scalable for large architectures, due to distributed topology
* JBI certified by SUN Microsystems
* Development tools: JBI component framework, eclipse configuration plugin, registry
* Quality of services: High availability (load balancing), Persistence, Transaction, Security,
* Adaptable: Fractal modular framework, JBI plugins
* Connectors: "SOAP" (Web services), "Local File", "FTP", "HTTP", "JMS", "SMTP/POP/IMAP", "Xquare database". Compatible with JBI plugins.
* Processing components : Worflow, "BPEL", "XSLT", "EIP", "POJO", "RMI", Java scripting, "CSV" transformation


OW2 projects collaboration
* EXo Platform
* [http://jasmine.objectweb.org JASMINe]
* [http://orchestra.objectweb.org/ Orchestra]
* [http://bonita.objectweb.org Bonita]
* [http://xquare.objectweb.org Xquare]
* [http://joram.objectweb.org JORAM]
* [http://dream.objectweb.org Dream]
* Talend Open Studio

European public research collaborations
* [http://www.soa4all.org/ SOA4All] “a web of billions of services”
* [http://www.synergy-ist.eu/SYNERGY/bin/view/Main/WebHome Synergy] “knowledge management to enable virtual organisations”
* [http://ow.inrialpes.fr/cooperations.fr.html#SemEUsE SemEUSE] semantic service architectures
* [http://www.scorware.org/ SCOrWare] implementation of SCA specification
* [https://ow.inrialpes.fr/projects/jones/ JonES] Open Source framework for creation of ESB based on the JBI standard

ee also

*Enterprise Service Bus
*Java Business Integration
*Enterprise Integration Patterns
*Enterprise Messaging System
*Message Oriented Middleware
*ChainBuilder ESB

External links

* [http://petals.objectweb.org/download-petals-esb.html Download PEtALS ESB]
* [http://petals.objectweb.org/documentation.html Documentation]
* [http://petals.ebmwebsourcing.com/forum/ Community forum]
* [http://petals.objectweb.org/docs/Livre-Blanc-ESB-fr.pdf ESB White paper] , Adrien Louis, EBM Websourcing


* [http://www.pymma.com/eng/People/Blog-Paul-Perez-Chief-Architect/Petals-A-distributed-implementation-of-JBI article: PEtALS, a distributed implementation of JBI, Paul Perez, 03/11/2008]
* [http://news.cnet.com/Open-source-middleware-tends-Petals/2100-7344_3-5915142.html article: Open Source Middleware tends PEtALS, CNET, Matthew Broersma, 10/26/2006]
* [http://news.profoss.eu/node/94 annoucement: Version 2.0 of PEtALS ESB available]
* [http://java-source.net/open-source/enterprise-service-bus/petals-service-platform PEtALS on Java-source.net]
* [http://www.soaplanet.net/petals-esb-open-source PEtALS : ESB Open Source, Hugo Romani Cortes, 06/23/2008]
* [http://www.cinformatique.com/posts/tag/ESB+ObjectWeb+Petals ESB/ObjectWeb/PEtALS, Cinformatique]
* [http://www.01net.com/contenu/4817/annuaire-logiciels-libres/petals PEtALS, 01net]

ESB softwares

* [http://www.novaforge.org/novaforge/fr-selectionner/eai-esb/petals EAI-ESB, Novaforge (French)]
* [http://java-source.net/open-source/enterprise-service-bus, Enterprise service bus, java-source.net]
* [http://www.opensource-it.com/enterprise_software/open_source/ESB Open source ESB, Open Source IT]
* [http://kaosktrl.wordpress.com/2008/09/07/osservazioni-su-esb-web-service-framework-e-application-server/ Webservice application framework (Italian)]
* [http://innovationstartups.wordpress.com/category/esb/ ESB, InnovationStartups]
* [http://www.mhavila.com.br/link/prog/software/eai.html Integration - Enterprise architecture, Hyperlink]
* [http://www.manageability.org/blog/stuff/open-source-messaging-integration-transformation-routing-java Open Source EAI written in java, Manageability ]


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