Sandigan Phi Solid

Sandigan Phi Solid

Infobox Fraternity | name = SANDIGAN PHI SOLID Fraternity & Sorority
letters = ΣΦΣ
motto = "Sunt omnes unum"(we are one)
crest =
founded = September 18, 1980
type = Collegiate & Social
scope = National & International
free_label =Principles|free = "Vertus et Fraternitas "
(Virtue and Brotherhood)
address =
city =
state =
country = Philippines
chapters =
colors = Red and Blue
homepage = CHAPTER)
birthplace =
symbol = YIN and YANG

ΣΦΣ (Sigma Phi Sigma) stands for Sandigan Phi Solid or more commonly known as "Sandigan" is a Fraternity and Sorority in the Philippines. It is also one of the 7 members of the MAGIC VII,an alliance that was formed by seven organizations in iloilo.

Sandigan is also known as SNDGN that stands for
*S- amahan
*N- atin
*D- apat
*G- alangin
*N- atinSNDGN stands for the morals of the organization.

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Related violence

Fraternity RumbleA STUDENT, Ronaldo Hondenero, 19, of Jaro is now facing murder charges after he reportedly shot to death another student during a fraternity rumble last Friday. The rumble occurred at the school campus of the Central Philippine University, which resulted to the fatal shooting by the suspect of Moises Pineda, 21, of Sambag, Jaro and said to be a member of the Sandigan Fraternity.The incident happened at around 6 p.m. after the suspect's friends - a certain Gino and his girlfriend KC, both said to be members of the Ragrat Gang - were chased by a group belonging to the Sandigan Fraternity inside the school campus of CPU.The suspect, who was at that time outside of the CPU campus, heard the call for help of his friends and subsequently came to their succor.But, before the suspect come to the assistance of his two friends, they were struck with a piece of wood by one in the victim's group and a rumble happened.A grappling ensued between Pineda and Gino who had a gun. When his gun fell to the ground, the suspect allegedly took it and shot Pineda hitting the latter in his body.The victim was declared dead on arrival at the West Visayas State University Hospital where he was taken.The suspect was arrested an hour after the incident and is now detained at the cell of Jaro PNP.He confessed that he was the one who shot the victim saying he only defended his friend from the victim's group.Hondenero denied he is a member of the fraternity to whom his two friends belong, "but when I saw that my friends were maltreated by Pineda's group, I helped them."Hondenero said that Pineda's motive in attacking his two friends was reportedly a misunderstanding between him and Pineda.Pineda was reportedly courting KC, Hondenero's girlfriend, which irked the latter.



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