Sound of the Natural State

Sound of the Natural State

bandname=Sound of the Natural State
school=Arkansas State University | location=Jonesboro, Arkansas
conference=Sunbelt Conference
director=Dr. Kenneth Carroll
members=Approx. 190
uniform=Black and red coat with black pants, black and red shako with white plume
The Sound of the Natural State is the marching band of Arkansas State University.Directed by Dr. Kenneth Carroll (Director of Athletic Bands) the 'Sound of the Natural State' is the marching band of Arkansas State University located in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Described as "one of Arkansas State's greatest assests" by Chancellor Potts, The SOUND is built on the long tradition of outstanding bands at Arkansas State. 'The Sound' is a premiere college marching band utilizing a corps style performance to produce a high energy precision show. Never to disappoint a crowd, the 'Sound of the Natural State' is well respected by colleges and high schools all across the country. Past Directors have included Mr. Donald Minx, Dr. Tom O'Connor, Ms. Pat Brumbaugh, Dr. Tom O'Neal and Mr. Ed Alexander. The Director of Bands and Coordinator of Instrumental Activities , Arkansas State, is Dr. Timothy Oliver.

Throughout the past decade, under the talented leadership of those listed above, the band has enjoyed continued growth; both in numbers of artists participating and numbers of performances. Currently the SOUND performance schedule includes all home football games, several away games each season, as well as three exhibitions performances for area marching contests. The busy schedule fosters outstanding time management among the college students, representing every major in the STATE Course Catalog. The group rehearses Tuesday through Friday from 3:30 PM until 5:00 PM at the Marching Band Practice Facility on the Jonesboro campus. Enjoying outstanding support from the institution, a large number of SOUND musicians receive Band Performance Scholarships regardless of major.


Winds and percussion

Currently, the instrumentation of Sound of the Natural State includes:
* Piccolos
* Flutes
* Clarinets
* Alto Saxophones
* Tenor Saxophones
* Trumpets
* Mellophones
* Trombones
* Baritones
* Tubas (Sousaphones)
* Drumline (Includes Front ensemble)
* Color Guard (flag spinning)
* Majorette (dancer)


Order of the Pack

Formerly known as "The Order of the Tribe", The Order of the Pack is an important gathering of current students, alumni, athletes, faculty, and administration to carry forward the history of the institution and teach the crowd the music, cheers and chants used to cheer on the ASU football team at the first home game of the season. The Sound of the Natural State is one of the most noticeable groups participating in The Order of the Pack, performing for the crowd the ASU Fight Song "ASU Loyalty", the ASU Alma Mater "Hail to ASU", and various pep tunes of the season.


The football pregame performance at Arkansas State University is led by the Sound of the Natural State. The band performs a traditional pregame show that includes "Patriots on Parade", "The Star Spangled Banner", "Hail to ASU", "ASU Loyalty".


The Sound of the Natural State's half-time performances for 2008 include AMERICAN ICONS, THE FINAL FRONTIER, and DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY. The AMERICAN ICON production consists of "It Don't Mean a Thing, if It Ain't Got That Swing" ELLINGTON, "Always on My Mind" NELSON, "Devil Went Down to Georgia" DANIELS, and "Country Roads" DENVER. THE FINAL FRONTIER production consists of "The Bringer of War" STRAUSS/HOLST, "Duel of the Fates" WILLIAMS, and "Jupiter"HOLST. DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY consists of "Sweet Dreams"EURHYTHMICS, "You Dropped a Bomb On Me"GAP BAND, and "Land of A Thousand Dances"KENNER/PICKET. All music arranged by Tom Wallace, Ken Carroll, and Tim Hendrix. All show design/visual presentation by Ken Carroll. Percussion by Ken Broadway, Craig Collison, and Ben White.


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