Brez besed

Brez besed

Infobox ESC entry
song = flagicon|Yugoslavia "Brez besed"

caption =
year = 1966
country = Yugoslavia
artist = Berta Ambrož
as =
with =
language = Slovene
languages =
composer = Mojmir Sepe
lyricist = Elza Budau
conductor = Mojmir Sepe
place = 7th
points = 9
lyrics = [ from Diggiloo Thrush]
clip =
prev = Čežnja
prev_link = Čežnja
next = Vse rože sveta
next_link = Vse rože sveta

"Brez besed" (English translation: Without Words) was the Yugoslav entry to the Eurovision Song Contest 1966, composed by Mojmir Sepe and Elza Budau and performed by Berta Ambrož in Slovene.

On the night of the contest the song was performed 5th (following Luxembourg's Michele Torr with "Ce Soir Je T'Attendais" and preceding Norway's Åse Kleveland with "Intet Er Nytt Under Solen"). At the close of the voting it had received 9 points, placing 7th in a field of 18.

It was succeeded as Yugoslav representative at the 1967 contest by Lado Leskovar with "Vse rože sveta".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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