

Kunayavalasa is a village and panchayat in Therlam mandal in Vizianagaram district of Andhra Pradesh. Kunayavalasa panchayat consists of Kunayavalasa and Jannivalasa villages. There is a large Koneru near the village.

Population Data

The village comprises of 560 households with a total population of 2,230 among which the literates are 925. [ [http://ourvillageindia.org/Place.aspx?PID=15682 Our Village India data on demographics] ]

Known people from this district

Dr.Bommi Dali Naidu (Dr.B.D.Naidu) retired professor of Orthopaedics of Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam hails from this village. Born in an agricultural family, he finished his schooling from Uttaravalli village and P.U.C and B.Sc. from Maharajah college, Vizianagaram. He finished his M.Sc. in Zoology from Andhra University. While working as a Zoology lecturer in A.V.N College,Visakhapatanam he finished his M.B.,B.S. and M.S. in Orthopeadics from Andhra Medical College and King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam.

He strived for the upliftment of the people in his village and provided free medical treatment for people below poverty line.


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