Joseph Allen Halberstadt

Joseph Allen Halberstadt

Infobox Musical artist
Name = Joseph Allen Halberstadt

Img_capt =
Img_size = 175
Background = Drummer
Birth_name =
Born = September 24th, 1988
Instrument = Drums, screaming "gho o ost"
Genre = Alternative rock, Soul
Occupation = Musician
Years_active = 2006–present
Label = Ferret Music / New Weathermen
Associated_acts = Foxy Shazam
URL = []

Joseph Allen Halberstadt is the drummer for Foxy Shazam, a rock band based out of Cincinnati, Ohio. Halberstadt was raised and currently lives in Richmond, Indiana at the EPAP with his best friend Aaron (Ern) Venable. Halberstadt attended a Foxy Shazam show in his home town late in 2006 and decided that he needed to be a part of their band. [1] After an audition, he began touring with them as a merch hand. By the end of his second tour, Halberstadt decided to audition again, and became the full time drummer for Foxy Shazam. Halberstadt was not even finished with high school when he began touring with the band full time, but has since had the opportunity to get his diploma as he continues to live his life on the road and in the studio. [2] Halberstadt recorded the album Introducing with Foxy Shazam on New Weatherman records, a label associated with Ferret Records. [3] Introducing was released on January 22, 2008. Along with countless live performances, Halberstadt is in Foxy Shazam's music video for Dangerous Man (which has been featured on MTVU) [4] and is sponsored by Shine Drums. [5] Halberstadt enjoys many different styles of music, including bands along the lines of mewithoutyou, Brand New and Zantzinger Chorus. Halberstadt also enjoys the movie 8 Mile (film) and shows like Lost (TV Series) and Dexter (TV Series). What would Joseph Allen Halberstadt say about his life on the road with Foxy Shazam? "I've sold my soul, and it was all worth it. Fortune favors the brave."








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