Pavel Masek

Pavel Masek

Pavel Masek, MBAsoftball fastpitch coach

born 26th August 1956 in Prague, Czech Republic


1975 - 1980 Prague University of Economy, Foreign Trade Faculty

1983 - 1985 Charles University in Prague, Gym Faculty

2005 International Coaching College ISF - NFCA

Sport career - player

1975 - 1988 TJ Slavoj Prague 7 (first Czechoslovak softball division, several times champions, silver and bronz positions)1986 Selected to All Stars team1979 - 1983 TJ Motorlet (first baseball division)1984 - 1988 TJ Medicina (first baseball division, team MVP)1989 - 2008 Horsholm Softball club in Denmark (several times champions and medal positions)2003 - 2006 Warriors Copenhagen (Danish baseball division)

Sport career - coach, club level

1983 - 1988 Playing coach of TJ Slavoj Prague 7 - first softball division

1992 - 2001 and 2006 - 2007 Playing coach of Horsholm Softball Club - several champions titles, european cups

2005 Coach of Penguins Softball Club - 3rd position in play-offs

Sport career - coach, international level

1994 Czech Mens National Team - team manager

1995 - 1996 Czech Mens National Team - assistant coach (head coach Mr.R.Janousek), EM 1995 in Denmark, WC 1996 in USA

1997 - 2004 Czech Mens National Team - first assistant coach (head coach Mr.M.Stapleton and Mr.K.Henderson), EM 1997 in Holland (gold), 1999 in Czech Rep. (gold), 2001 in Belgium (gold), 2003 in Czech Rep.(silver), WM 2000 in South Africa (5th place), 2004 New Zealand (7th place)

2005 - 2007 Danish Ladies National Team - head coach, EM 2005 in Prague, 2007 in Zagreb

2008 Czech Mens National Team - team manager, EM Copenhagen (gold)

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