Luciano Rossi

Luciano Rossi

Infobox actor

imagesize = 150px
name = Luciano Rossi
birthdate = birth date|1934|11|28
birthplace = Rome, Italy
deathdate = death date and age|2005|5|29|1934|11|28
deathplace = Rome, Italy
othername =
occupation = Actor
yearsactive = 1966 - 1987
imdb_id = 0072753

Luciano Rossi (28 November, 1934 – 29 May, 2005), was a Italian film actor. He appeared in 67 films between 1966 and 1987.

He was born and died in Rome, Italy.

elected filmography

* (1973)
* Death Sentence (1968)

External links

*imdb|0072753|Luciano Rossi
*amg name|2:61699|Luciano Rossi

NAME= Rossi, Luciano
DATE OF BIRTH= 1934-11-28
DATE OF DEATH= 2005-5-29

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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