Lightgraff (lightgraff art)

Lightgraff (lightgraff art)

Lightgraffiti or lightgraff is an artistic performence. Instead of painting with acrilic spray, light is use to create pictures and videos.Lightgraffiti is an artistic activity with graffiti and light painting roots.

The American photographer Man Ray realised a lot of pictures based on lightdraw, like "A Man With Moving Light and Space-Writing", in 1937. The French plastician Georges Mathieu also worked with light effects in the 1950s. Remanent light is capture to make drawing effects, like graffitis (see also light painting )

Actually with the new digital cameras, it is easier to created lightgraff. French artists explore new technics as [ Nuno de Matos] , [ marko93] and [ Rézine] .

Video is also explore with the new cmos device sensivity, choregrafic light lines are recorded in [ lightgraff motion] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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