Akania (plant)

Akania (plant)


name = "Akania"

image_caption =
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Brassicales
familia = Akaniaceae
familia = Akaniaceae
genus = "Akania"
genus_authority = Hook.f.
species = "A. bidwillii"
binomial = "Akania bidwillii "
binomial_authority = (R.Hogg) Mabb.
synonyms = "Lomatia bidwillii" Hend. ex R.Hogg
"Akania lucens" (F.Muell.) Airy Shaw
"Akania hillii" Hook.f.
"Cupania lucens" F.Muell.

"Akania" is a monotypic genus in the family Akaniaceae. The single species, "Akania bidwillii" (Turnipwood), is a tree that is native to rainforests in New South Wales and Queensland in Australia.NSW Flora Online|author=S.M. Hastings |genus=Akania |species=bidwillii]


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