Ambrosetti Forum

Ambrosetti Forum

The Ambrosetti Forum is an international economic conference that takes place every year, since 1975, in early september in [ Villa d'Este] , in the Italian town of Cernobbio on the shores of Lake Como. It is attended by heads of state, ministers, nobel laureates and businessmen, discussing current important issues regarding world economies and societies. [cite web|url=|title=Villa d'Este International Workshop|publisher=Financial Times|accessdate=2008-09-06] [cite web|url=|title=Ambrosetti Forum||accessdate=2008-09-06]

2008 Workshop

The 34th edition took place from Friday, September 5th 2008 until Sunday, September 7th, 2008

Notable speakers of the 34th edition have been (in alphabetical order): [cite web|url=|title=Intelligence on the World, Europe and Italy|publisher=The European House Ambrosetti|accessdate=2008-09-06]

*Joaquín Almunia - European Commissioner for Economic & Financial Affairs
*Piero Angela - Scientific TV Journalist
*José María Aznar - former Prime Minister, Spain
*Maria Bartiromo - Anchor, reporter and interviewer, CNBC television
*Renato Brunetta - Minister for Public Administration and Innovation, Italy
*Dick Cheney - Vice President of the United States
*Cheng Siwei - Dean of Management School, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, VP of the National People's Congress
*Ferruccio De Bortoli - Editor, Il Sole 24 Ore
*José Manuel Durão Barroso - President of the European Commission
*Guglielmo Epifani - Secretary General, CGIL, Italy
*Franco Frattini - Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs
*Mariastella Gelmini - Italian Minister of Education
*Francesco Giavazzi - Professor of Economics, Bocconi University
*Karl-Heinz Grasser - former Minister of Finance, Austria
*John Hennessy - President, Stanford University
*Richard Holbrooke - 22nd United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Vice Chairman, Perseus LLC
*E. Neville Isdell - Chairman of the Board, The Coca-Cola Company, USA
*Gerard Kleisterlee - President and Chief Executive Officer, Philips
*Yotaro Kobayashi - Chief Corporate Advisor, Fuji Xerox, Japan
*Harold Kroto - Nobel Laureate for Chemistry Professor, The Florida State University, USA
*Reiko Kuroda - Director, Department of Life Sciences, University of Tokyo
*Christine Lagarde - Minister of the Economy, Industry and Employment, France
*Amory Lovins - Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Scientist, Rocky Mountain Institute, USA
*Emma Marcegaglia - President, Confindustria
*Roberto Maroni - Italian Minister of the Interior
*Altero Matteoli - Italian Minister for Infrastructure
*Charlie McCreevy - European Commissioner for Internal Market & Services
*Abu Mazen - President, Palestinian National Authority
*Thomas M. Menino - Mayor of Boston, USA
*Mario Molina - Nobel Laureate for Chemistry
*Mario Monti - President, Bocconi University
*Letizia Moratti - Mayor of Milan, Italy
*Amre Moussa - Secretary General, Arab League
*Giorgio Napolitano - President of Italy
*Jim O’Neill - Head of Global Economic Research, Goldman Sachs, UK
*Shimon Peres - President of the State of Israel, Nobel Laureate for Peace
*Andris Piebalgs - European Commissioner for Energy
*Tom Ridge - President of Ridge Global, former Secretary of Homeland Security, USA, former Governor of Pennsylvania, USA
*Gianni Riotta - Editor, TG1 RAI
*Kenneth Rogoff - Professor of Economics, Harvard University
*Sergio Romano - Columnist, Italy
*Saskia Sassen - Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago and London School of Economics
*Claudio Scajola - Italian Minister of Economic Development
*Wolfgang Schüssel - Former Federal Chancellor, Austria
*Peter Sutherland - Chairman, British Petroleum - Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
*Antonio Tajani - Vice President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Transport
*John Thornhill - European Editor, Financial Times
*Giulio Tremonti - Italian Minister of Economy and Finance
*Michael Treschow - President of Ericsson and Unilever
*Jean-Claude Trichet - President, European Central Bank
*Giacomo Vaciago - Professor of Economics, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
*Karel Van Miert - Professor of European Competition Policy, Nyemrode University
*Walter Veltroni - Leader, Democartic Party, Italy
*Umberto Veronesi - Director, European Institute of Oncology - former Italian Minister of Health
*James Watson - Nobel Laureate for Medicine

External links

* [ Official Site]


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