

Infobox Organization
name = APGA

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motto = "The Voice and Choice for Public Gas"
formation = 1961
type = Trade Association
headquarters = Washington, DC
location = 201 Massachusetts Ave, NE Washington, DC 20002
membership = 700+
leader_title = President
leader_name = Bert Kalisch
key_people =
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website = http://www.apga.org

The American Public Gas Association (APGA) is a nonprofit trade organization representing America's publicly owned natural gas local distribution companies (LDCs). APGA represents the interests of public gas before Congress, federal agencies and other energy-related stakeholders by developing regulatory and legislative policies that further the goals of our members. In addition, APGA organizes meetings, seminars, and workshops with a specific goal to improve the reliability, operational efficiency, and regulatory environment in which public gas systems operate. Through APGA, public gas systems work together to stay reliably informed about new developments in safety, public policy, operations, technology, and the marketplace that could affect the communities and consumers they serve.


Between 1940 and 1965, hundreds of communities began operating a gas utility to serve their citizens and commercial establishments. There are now over 950 total public gas systems serving over 5 million customers. These communities quickly recognized the need to have an organization that represented them at the national level. The American Public Gas Association was formed to satisfy this important advocacy in 1961 by 14 publicly owned gas systems.

Today the membership encompasses most of America's public gas systems, numbering over 687 members in 36 states.


The American Public Gas Association (APGA) is the only national association of publicly-owned natural gas distribution systems. Formed in 1961, APGA has approximately 700 members in 36 states. Our members are publicly-owned gas systems that are owned by, and accountable to, the citizens they serve. They include:

Municipal gas distribution systems Public utility districts County districts and other public agencies that have natural gas distribution facilities.

Through APGA membership, public gas systems work together to keep informed about new developments in technology, safety, public policy, operations, and the global markets that could affect the communities and consumers they serve.

Opportunities for Involvement: APGA members have unlimited opportunities for involvement and participation in their association through its committees. The committee structure allows every member including associate members to be as active as they wish in a committee of their interest. Committees include:

-Gas Supply
-Marketing & Sales
-Government Relations
-Legislative Associates
-Annual Conference

APGA also provides opportunities for members to get their Mayors and utility board members involved through participation in the APGA Public Gas Policy Council which is made up of elected and appointed officials from public gas communities across the nation and assists APGA with its advocacy efforts.

Affiliate Organizations

APGA presents its membership with more value through three additional organizations:

APGA Insurance Group APGA Research Foundation APGA Security and Integrity Foundation

External links

* [http://www.apga.org APGA's Website]

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