CEC European Managers

CEC European Managers

CEC European Managers (also called "European confederation of executives & managers staff") is an european organisation that promotes and defends the interest of managers in Europe towards the European institutions.

Through its national member organisations and professional federations it represents 1.5 million managers in Europe.

CEC European Managers is one of the six cross-industry European social partners and take part to the European Social Dialogue.

CEC European Managers'office is based in the European area of Brussels.

CEC history

Managers were among the first to understand the importance of organizing themselves on an international level.In 1951 the French, German and Italian executive federations formed the CIC (International Confederation of Managers). In order to participate more actively in the European social dialogue and to be able to have a political influence on the unification process, this international federation founded the European one in 1989.

The CEC European Managers now unites 1,5 million executives and professionals in Europe, through its national organisations and European federations.Since the late 1980s, CEC European Managers has been making its genuine and positive contribution as a social partner to the European integration.

Since the Maastricht Treaty, CEC has become a interlocutor for the European Commission and is consulted on new legislative initiatives.

Since July 1999 CEC European Managers is part of the employee delegation in the negotiations under the social protocol representing the interests of its members in these negotiations.


CEC mission can be defined as follows: - To strive for the European integration, allowing managers to fully take part to the EU project in every country;

- To contribute, with the other social partners, to a continuous research of a fairer balance between economic performance of enterprises and guarantee of incomes and social protection for the workforce.

- To express and to defend needs and points of view of managers as European citizens about current topics such as women access to decision-making positions, mobility and lifelong learning, promotion of diversity and equal opportunities, active ageing, reconciliation of working and family life, sustainable development, environment protection.

Managers in Europe and in the World

Though legally considered as employees, managers are expected to take over managements responsibility for the workers and for the development of the company.Managers assume essential duties which involve responsibilities, competences and professionalism in the management and implementation of corporate and institutional objectives. Leaders of this type share common sociological characteristics and interests. This is why the European Parliament expressly supported managersentitlement to a separate and independent representation not only on national but also on European level. This group of employees is steadily increasing with the continuing development of information and communications technologies and of new forms of labour organisation.

CEC values

According CEC European Managers, the positive impacts of globalisation are indisputable. Simple maximisation of profit cannot be the only objective of businesses and of the European integration. Besides performance the respect of social obligations is an added value to keep business working in the long run.Europe today is facing the challenge of keeping the economy competitive and of modernising the European social model in order to allow economic growth going hand in hand with good living conditions for the society as a whole. With regard to this the European managers are clearly in favour not only of the principle of performance and competition but also of the social market economy and a value-oriented way of conducting business.


Team managing

* President:- Since 2006: Georges Liarokapis (France)

- From 1996 until 2006: Maurizio Angelo (Italy)

- From 1989 until 1996: Henry Bodes-Pagès (France)
* Secretary General: Ludger Ramme (Germany) [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludger_Ramme]
* Deputy Secretary General: Annika Hage Nederström (Sweden)
* Treasurer: Sonja Smuc (Slovenia)

National organisations

* Austria: WdF - Wirtschaftsforum der Führungskräfte
* Belgium : CNC/NCK - Confédération Nationale des Cadres
* Croatia : CROMA - Hrvatsko Udruzenje Menadzera i Poduzetnika
* Denemark : LH - Ledernes Hovedorganisation
* France : CFE-CGC - Confédération Française de lEncadrement
* Germany : ULA - Deutscher Führungskräfteverband
* Greece : ACEO (EASE) - Association of Chief Executive Officers
* Italy : CIDA - Confederazione Italiana dei Dirigenti e delle Alte Professionalità
* Italy : CUQ - Confederazione Unitaria Quadri
* Norway: LEDERNE
* Slovenia: MAS - Managers' Association of Slovenia
* Poland: KADRA - Porozumienie Zwiazkow Zawodowych
* Portugal: SNQTB - Sindicato Nacional dos Quadros e Tecnicos Bancarios
* Spain: CCP: Confederación de Cuadros y Profesionales
* Sweden: LEDERNA
* Switzerland: SKOSchweizer Kader Organisation
* The United-Kingdom: MPA - Managerial and Professional Staff Association

European Professional Federations

* AECA - Association Européenne des Cadres de lAssurance
* ECMF - European Commercial Managers Federation
* eTIC_cec - Federation of Information technologies, Communication & media and Telecommunications
* FECC - Fédération Européenne des Cadres de la Construction
* FECCIA - Fédération Européenne des Cadres de la Chimie et des Industries Annexes
* FECEC - Fédération Européenne des Cadres des Etablissements Bancaires
* FECER - Fédération Européenne des Cadres de lEnergie et de la Recherche
* FEDEM - Fédération Européenne de lEncadrement de la Métallurgie
* FEPEDICA - Fédération Européenne du Personnel dEncadrement des Productions, des Industries, des Commerces et des Organismes Agroalimentaires
* FICTEUROPE - Fédération Internationale des Cadres des Transports


* Czech Republic: CMACzech Management Association
* Germany : ESHAEuropean School Heads Association
* Hungary : MSZMenedzserek Orszagos SvÖvetsége
* Italy: F.I.R.A.S.-S.P.P.
* Montenegro: MCMMontenegrin Confederation of Managers
* Serbia: Serbian Association of Managers

See also

* Lisbon Strategy
* Social partners


External links

* [http://www.cec-managers.org Official website of CEC European managers]
* [http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/social_dialogue/partners_en.htm Who are the European Cross-Industry Social Partners?]
* [http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/social_dialogue/index_en.htm The European social dialogue]

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