- Bruno Cote
Bruno Côté(1940,
Quebec City -), is a contemporary Canadian landscape painter.Biography
Bruno Cote was born in the city of Quebec in August of 1940. His youth in a family where art held a strong significance encouraged the development of his artistic talents. He joined the family's publicity business in 1957. In 1978 he moved to Baie-Saint-Paul, where he held his first important solo exhibition. In 1980 he began to travel, painting landscapes in many different regions of Canada.Bruno Cote is represented by art galleries in across Canada.
Public Collections
* Ambassade de Corée
* Canadian Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
* American Embassy, Ottawa
* Centre National d'exposition Baie‑St‑Paul
* Confederation Art Gallery and Museum, Charlottetown
* Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A
* Musée D'Art Contemporain de Montréal (collection Lavalin)
* Musée de Charlevoix
* Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal
* Musée Marc-Aurèle Fortin, Montréal
* United Nations, New York
* Scottish Parliament, Edinburg, Scotland
* Simon Fraser University Gallery, Vancouver
* Université Laval
* University of New BrunswickPublications
* [http://www.chin.gc.ca/PM.cgipmLANG=Francais&p
* [http://www.artcanada.org/ A Dictionary of Canadian Artists] volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 (online only), by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
* [http://search-recherche.collectionscanada.ca/amicus/searchResults.jsp?FormName=from+Fed+Search+Results&SourceQuery=&PageNum=1&SortSpec=score+desc&Language=eng&soundex=on&QueryText=bruno+cote+1940&Sources=amicus&ResultCount=10&MaxDocs=12250 Library and Archives Canada]
External links
* [http://www.brunocote.com/english/default.htm official website of Bruno Côté]
* [http://www.inuitfinearts.com/fr/vincentgallery/paintings/Cote/index.html Galerie d'art Vincent, Ottawa]
* [http://www.hollanderyorkgallery.com/index2.php#uts1222869727589 Hollander York Gallery Toronto]
* [http://www.lagaleriesurgreene.com/artist_pages/cote_fr.html La Galerie sur Greene Westmount]
* [http://www.lharmattan.com/v2/oeuvres_v2.asp?langue=f&galerie=2&option=1&artisteID=21&offset=&pnouveaute=0 Galerie Art & Style Baie-Saint-Paul]
* [http://www.westendgalleryltd.com/dynamic/artist.asp?artistid=13 West End Gallery Edmonton]
* [http://www.assiniboia.com/dynamic/artists/Bruno_Cote.asp Assiniboia Gallery Regina]
* [http://www.kensingtonfineart.com/artists.php?page=artist&id=10 Kensington Fine Art Gallery Calgary]
* [http://www.lespeintresquebecois.com/fr/artiste.asp?page=1&id=74 Galerie Les peintre Québecois Quebec]
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