List of Macedonian names of biblical origin

List of Macedonian names of biblical origin


Macedonian Male Names of Biblical Origin

From the 1996 Orthodox Calendar, published by theHoly Synod of the Macedonian Orthodox Church


A Avakum Avram Agapij Adam AleksandarAlimpij Atanas Angel Angelarij AndonAndrej Angjelko Antim Antonij ApostolAriton Arsenij Artemij Arhangle Atanasij


B Blagoj Blagun Blazhe Bogatin Jacob, BogdanBogoja Bogoljub Bogomil Bogoslav BozhidarBozhin Bojan Boris Boshko BranimirBranslav Branko


V Vangel Varnava Vasil Veljan VenijaminVeselin Vidoe Vikentij Vladimir Vlastimir


G Gavril Georgij Gerasim Gligor GligorijGorazd Goran Gorjan Goce GrigorGrigorij Grozdan


D David Damaskin Damjan Danail DejanDeljan Despot Dimitar Dimitrij DiogenDobre Dojchin Doksim Doncho DorotejDragan Dukdin Dushan


GJ GJerasim GJero GJoko GJore GJosheGJorgjija GJorche GJuro GJurchin GJurshin


E Evgenij Elisie Erazmo Eremija EfimijEmanuel


ZH ZHarko ZHelimir ZHivko ZHivorad


Z Zafir Zaharie Zdravko Zlatan ZlatkoZograf Zoran


DZ DZvezdan DZvonko


I Ivan Ignat Ignatij Igor IlarionIlija Inokentij Iraklij Irinej IsaijaIsidor Ice


J Jakim Jakov Janaki Jane JoanikijJoakim Jovan Jonko Jordan Josif


K Kalistrat Kiprijan Kiril Kitan KlimentKozma Konstantin Kostadin Krale KrsteKuzman


L Lavrentij Lazar Lambe Leonid LeontieLefter Luka


LJ LJube LJuben LJubomir LJupcho LJudmil


M Makaraie Makedon Maksim Manoil ManolManojlo Marin Marko Matea MatejMetodij Miladin Mile Mirko MironMiroslav Misail Mitan Mitre MihailMladen Mojsej Mojsie


N Najden Nase Naste Natanail NaumNace Nakje Neven Nedelko NektarijNoefit Nestor Nikanor Nikita NikiforNikodim Nikola Novak Nove


O Ognen Ordan Orce


P Pavle Pandil Pane Pantelejmon PanchePartenij Paskal Pahomij Pejko PetarPetko Pimen Plamencho Polikarp ProdanProjko Prokopij Prohor


R Radovan Radomir Radoslav Razmo RajkoRangel Ranko Rastko Ratko RatomirRafael Ristan Riste Rodoljub RomilRuse Rusomir


S Save Sazdan Samoil Sande SarafilSare Sasho Svetislav Svetozar SvetolikSvetomir Serafim Siljan Simon SlaveSlavoljub Slobodan Smile Solunche SofronijaSpasen Spiridon Srebre Sreten StamenStefan Stojan


T Tanas Tase Tashko Temelko TeodorTeodosij Teofan Teofil Teofilakt TimotejTihomir Trajan Todor Trifun Trpe


KJ KJire KJirko


F Fidan Filimon Filip Firfo FloreFotij


H Hranislav Hristijan Hristo Hristifor


C Cane Cvetan


CH CHaslav CHedo CHedomir


SH SHane SHishko


Macedonian Female Names of Biblical Origin

From the 1996 Orthodox Calendar, published by theHoly Synod of the Macedonian Orthodox Church


A Agnija Aleksandra Ana Anamarija AnastasijaAngela Angelina Angja Anisija ArsenijaAtanasija


B Bebcena Biljana Bisera Bistra BlagicaBlagorodna Blaguna Blazhena Bogdana BogoslavaBozhana Bozhidarka Bojana Borjana Bosilka


V Valentina Vangelija Vangja Vanka VarvaraVasa Vasilija Vasilka Velika VeljanaVera Veronika Vesela Vesna VetaVida Vita Vishna Vosreksija Vrosinka


G Gajtana Galena Gena Gerasimka GinaGlikerija Gordana Gorica Gorjana GrozdaGulapka


D Damjana Dana Danica Dara DarinkaDafina Deva Denica Despina DivnaDimana Dobrinka Dominika Donka DostaDragana Dukadinka Dushanka Dushica


GJ GJorgjivka GJurgjina GJurgja GJurgjica


E Eva Evangelija Evgenija Evlampija EvpraksijaEvrosija Evosina Evtimija Ekaterina ElenaElisaveta Efimija


ZH ZHivana ZHivka


Z Zagoarka Zafirka Zaharinka Zdravka ZlataZografka Zoja Zora Zorica


DZ DZvezda DZena DZuna


I Ivana Ilina Ilindenka Ina IrinaIsidora Iskra Ica


J Javorka Jaglika Jagnula Jagoda JanaJasna Jovana Jovka Jordana Jordanka


K Kalina Kamenka Karanfilka Katerina KatinaKirana Kira Kiska Kita KlimentinaKonstantina Kosara Kostadinka Krstana KrunaKsenija Kupenka


L Lenka Lefterija Lidija Lila LinaLiljana Lozanka


LJ LJuba LJubena LJubinka LJubica


M Magdalena Makedonka Makrina Marena MarikaMarina Marta Matrona Meglena MelanijaMenka Mileva Milena Milica MilkaMirjana Miladinka Milkana Mila MiroslavaMitana Mitrodora Mitra Mladenka


N Nada Nedezhda Najdenka Nastasija NaumkaNevena Neda Nedelka Nikodinka Nikolna


O Ognena Olga Ordanka


P Pavlenka Paca Pantelejmona Paraskeva PaunaPelagija Pera Perjana Petkana PetraPetranka Pisana Plamenka Planika PravoslavkaPrvenka


R Rada Radovanka Radoslava Razmenka RajkaRajna Rakita Ratka Ratomirka RafaelaRahela Reveka Rina Risimika RistosijaRistana Rodna Rozalija Rosa RoskaRuzha Rumena Rusalina Rusanka


S Sava Saveta Savka Sandra SaraSarafilka Sashka Svetlana Sena SerafimaSimjana Simona Sinolichka Slavenka SlavjankaSlavica Slavka Slobodanka Smilja SnezhanaSolzica Solunka Sonchica Sonja SofijaSpasena Spomenka Srebra Stamena StanaStojanka Stojmena Stefanija Stefanka Suzana


T Tajana Tatijana Tamara Tana TaskaTemenuga Temjana Teodora Teodosija TeofilkaTodorka Tina Trajana Trena TrendafilkaTrifunka Trpana


KJ KJira KJirana


U Ubavka


F Fanija Fidanka Filimena Fimka FlorinkaFotina Frosina


H Hranislava Hristina


C Cana Canka Cveta Cena CaraCeca Cona Cola


CH CHedomirka


SH SHana


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