Dimensional operator

Dimensional operator

In mathematics, specifically set theory, a dimensional operator on a set E is a function from the subsets of E to the subsets of E.


If the power set of E is denoted P(E) then a dimensional operator on E is a map

d:P(E)\rightarrow P(E)\,

that satisfies the following properties for S,TP(E):

  1. Sd(S);
  2. d(S) = d(d(S)) (d is idempotent);
  3. if ST then d(S) ⊆ d(T);
  4. if Ω is the set of finite subsets of S then d(S) = ∪A∈Ωd(A);
  5. if xE and yd(S ∪ {x}) \ d(S), then xd(S ∪ {y}).

The final property is known as the exchange axiom.[1]


  1. For any set E the identity map on P(E) is a dimensional operator.
  2. The map which takes any subset S of E to E itself is a dimensional operator on E.


  1. ^ Julio R. Bastida, Field Extensions and Galois Theory, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1984, pp. 212–213.

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