- Ernoul
Ernoul is the name generally given to the author of a
chronicle of the late12th century dealing with the fall of thecrusade rKingdom of Jerusalem .Biography
Ernoul himself is mentioned only once in history, and only in his own chronicle. He was a
squire ofBalian of Ibelin , an important crusader noble inJerusalem , and accompanied his lord on an embassy from King Guy of Jerusalem to CountRaymond III of Tripoli in1187 . Balian and his retinue remained behind for a day atNablus during the voyage to Tripoli; the rest were ambushed at theBattle of Cresson onMay 1 . It was Ernoul who investigated the almost-empty Templar castle ofLa Fève before news of the battle reached Balian. No other mention is made of Ernoul. However, it is clear that he was at theBattle of Hattin onJuly 4 , as his chronicle gives an account from the rearguard, which was commanded by his master Balian.According to M. R. Morgan, the squire Ernoul was the same man as Arnaix or
Arneis of Gibelet , who was an important noble in the crusaderKingdom of Cyprus in the first half of the13th century , and must have been connected to theIbelin s, who were also important there; the Gibelets had strong ties to the Ibelins throughout the 12th and 13th centuries in both Jerusalem and Cyprus. This identification is rejected by Peter Edbury, who suggests that Arneis lived too late to be Ernoul, and also that their names are too dissimilar.The chronicle
The so-called Chronicle of Ernoul is actually a number of separate but similar manuscripts, stemming from an original source that does not survive but assumed to have been written by Ernoul himself. The basis of these is a 13th century
Old French translation of theLatin chronicle ofWilliam of Tyre , who wrote in the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the mid- to late-12th century. This French translation came to be known as the "History of Heraclius" or the "Estoire de Eracles", because William of Tyre began his chronicle with the reign ofByzantine emperor Heraclius .One of the more important manuscripts is known as the "Lyon Eracles", which is the basis of modern editions. It was edited by Morgan as "La Continuation de Guillaume de Tyr (
1183 –1197 )". This manuscript continues until1248 , and the section containing the years1184 –1197 is not found in any other manuscript. The 19th century "Receuil des historiens des croisades ", a collection of crusade texts compiled by theAcadémie des inscriptions et belles-lettres , used a different version of the "Eracles" known as the "Colbert-Fontainebleau Eracles". There is also a shorter manuscript known as the "abrégé", and a "Florentine Eracles" from theLaurentian Library inFlorence which has a unique section from1191 to 1197 and continues until1277 .The text known as "The Chronicle of Ernoul and Bernard the Treasurer", edited by L. de Mas Latrie in the 19th century, has a separate manuscript tradition. It is essentially the same as the "abrégé", and appears to have been produced from the French translation of William of Tyre, which was then mostly removed except for a few sections. It carries on until
1227 or1231 , depending on the manuscript.The surviving texts were written in their final form from the
1230s to the1250s . Ernoul himself may have written only a small part, covering the years1186 and 1187, in which Balian and the Ibelin family feature prominently.External links
* [http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/basis/GuillaumeTyr1.html Old French translation and continuation of William of Tyre] , from
Internet Medieval Sourcebook ources
* Peter W. Edbury, The Conquest of Jerusalem and the Third Crusade: Sources in Translation. Ashgate, 1996. [Includes translation of the "Lyon Eracles" for 1184-1197.]
* M. R. Morgan, The Chronicle of Ernoul and the Continuations of William of Tyre. Oxford University Press, 1973.
* Janet Shirley, Crusader Syria in the Thirteenth Century: The Rothelin Continuation of the History of William of Tyre with part of the Eracles or Acre text. Ashgate, 1999.
* "Chronique d'Ernoul et de Bernard le Trésorier", edited by L. de Mas-Latrie for theSociété de l'histoire de France , Paris, 1871.
* "La Continuation de Guillaume de Tyr (1184–1192)", edited by M. R. Morgan. Paris:Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres , 1982
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.