

Infobox Frankfurt Stadtteil
name = Bergen-Enkheim

image_district = Mk Frankfurt Karte Bergen-Enkheim.pngarea = 12.541
population = 17,088
density = 1,363
postal_code = 60388
areacode = 06109
* 680 - Bergen-Enkheim

Bergen-Enkheim is a district ("Stadtteil") of the city of Frankfurt am Main in Germany. This eastern district is formed from the towns of Bergen and Enkheim. In the west it borders Seckbach, Fechenheim in the south, Maintal-Bischofsheim in the east, and the town of Bad Vilbel in the north.

Bergen and Enkheim were first mentioned as a common village in the thirteenth century. The two locations were administered together for centuries, but Bergen-Enkheim only officially became a town in 1968. In 1977 it was incorporated into the city of Frankfurt.

Geographically the territory is marked by the transition of the Main valley into the rising Wetterau(Wetter Vale).

It is directly linked to the Rhine-Main area's RMV U-Bahn and bus network.


Bergen-Enkheim is a district connected to literature, and the literary prize, the Stadtschreiber von Bergen, is awarded as a part of the market Berger Markt every year (Friday before the first Tuesday in September).

The "Arabidopsis thaliana" race Enkheim, which is important in plant molecular biology research originates here.


The old town of Bergen is an interesting site. Its historic town hall holds the area's historical museum. The Gothic foundation of the building dates from 1300-1350 and the upper floor in the rural Renaissance style dates from the early sixteenth century. It also holds a tower holding a baroque latern, added in 1704.

A remnant of the old city walls frames the so-called "White Tower" ("Weiße Turm"). This was a late gothic watchtower which was created under the counts of Hanau along the town walls.


Bergen-Enkheim holds the only meat market in the greater city of Frankfurt. It is location of the Berger Market (Berger Markt) that takes place in the last weekend in August. On the Friday beforehand, the new Stadtschreiber von Bergen is inducted and celebrated. The festival pavilion is also used to crown the official Apfelwein Queen.



Bergen-Enkheim has two Grundschulen (Schule am Hang and Schule am Landgraben) as well a Gesamtschule with a Gymnasium level (Schule am Ried).

External links

* [ Bergen-Enkheim]
* [ Frankfurt/M]
* [ culture society]

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