SANS instruments

SANS instruments

World Directory of SANS Instruments

SANS stands for small-angle neutron scattering, an advanced laboratory technique used for investigations of structure of various substances, with spatial sensitivity of about 1 - 1000 nm. The number of SANS instruments operating all over the world are between 20 and 50, they make use of neutron beams emerging from the core of nuclear reactors, or in spallation process, when nuclear reaction occurs in target materials irradiated by high intensity beam of protons. The latter method requires a particle accelerator [ [] ] .


ISIS, Chilton, England

ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX, UK.

"Contact people"Richard Heenan, Stephen King , Phone: + 44 1235 44 6437

* LOQ Pulsed neutron source. Instrument LOQ: wavelength range: 2.2 < l/Å < 10; range of momentum transfers: 0.006 < Q/Å-1 < 0.25; a high-angle detector bank at 0.5 m from the sample extends this range to Q/Å-1 < 1.4 in one single setting.

----SINQ, Switzerland

Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, CH

" Contact person" Joachim Kohlbrecher, Phone: +41 56 310 3165

* SANS-I The concept of the spallation neutron source SINQ is that of a steady state neutron source. The SANS instrument (0.0006 < Q/Å-1 < 1) is installed at the end of a 50 mm x 50 mm neutron guide facing a liquid deuterium cold moderator. The neutron wavelength is selected by a mechanical velocity selector at the entrance of an 18 m variable collimator; a detailed instrument description including measured values of neutron flux are communicated in the new WWW-page. The 2-dimensional multidetector has a sensitive area of 96 cm x 96 cm with 16 K elements of 7.5 mm x 7.5 mm cross section and up to 20 m secondary flight path.

* SANS-II The former Risø-SANS instrument has been installed at SINQ in middle of the year 2002. It is equipped with a mechanical velocity selector, a 6 m long collimator consisting of 1m sections, a 64cm x 64 cm area detector, with sample to detector distances between 1.2m and 6m. The accessible q-range: 0.002 – 0.35Å-1.

---- JINR, Dubna, Russia

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP), Moscow region,141 980 Dubna, Russia.

"Contact people"Alexander I. Kuklin, Phone: +7 096 21 67417, Achmed H. Islamov , Phone: +7 096 21 62335.

* YuMO The pulsed reactor IBR-2 has an average thermal capacity of 2 MW; the peak power is 1500 MW at a pulse repetition rate of 5 Hz. The halfwidth of the pulse is 215 µs and the useful duty time per pulse is 122 ms. The instrument YuMO (named in honour of Yurii M. Ostanevich) is located on the beamline 4 of the reactor. The useful wavelength range is 0.7 < l/Å < 8, the range of momentum transfers is 0.007 < Q/Å-1 < 0.5. The time averaged neutron flux at the sample is up to 4 x 107 cm-2s-1. For the moment, the reactor is under refurbishment, it is expected to restart operation in 2010.


BATAN , Indonesia

National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia, Serpong

"Contact people":Edy Giri Rachman Putra, Tel. +62 21 7566727Abarrul Ikram, Tel. +62 21 7566727

* SMARTer The G. A. Siwabessy research reactor is a light-water open-pool type reactor that uses materials testing reactor (MTR) type fuel element of U3Si2Al MTR with U-235 low enrichment (19.75%). The reactor, whose nominal thermal power is 30 MW, will have a thermal neutron flux as high as 2.5 x 1014 n cm2 sec-1 at the center irradiation position in the core. The 36 meter BATAN SANS spectrometer SMARTer is installed at the end of a 49-meter long neutron guide and situated in the neutron guide hall. The neutron beam is monochromatized by a mechanical velocity selector with 11 - 19 % wavelength resolution, the incident neutron wavelength is 2.74 - 5.66 Å. The 2-dimensional position sensitive detector has a sensitive area of 60 x 60 cm2 that is divided into 128 x 128 detection elements. SMARTer covers the Q -range of 0.002 < Q (Å-1) < 0.6.


IPNS, Argonne

Intense Pulsed Neutron Source,Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439-4814, USA.

"Contact person": Jyotsana Lal

* SASI Small Angle Scattering Instrument. Q range: 0.007 to 1.45 Å-1;Q resolution (s(Q)/Q): 0.3 to 0.036;Area detector - active volume: 50 x 50 cm2, 2.5 cm thick; Detector resolution: 3 - 5 mm FWHM.

* SAND Small-Angle Neutron Diffractometer


Lujan Neutron Scattering Center

"Contact person": Rex Hjelm

* LQD time of flight spectrometer, it accesses a broad range of Q (0.003 to 0.5 Å-1) in a single measurement without any changes to the instrument’s physical configuration. The LQD uses an intense source of long-wavelength ("cold") neutrons over a range of 1 to 16 Å, making it the brightest TOF low-Q instrument in the world.



ANSTO, Bragg Institute, Sydney

"contact person:" Elliot Gilbert

* Quokka

External links

* [ World directory of SANS instruments ]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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