- Emily Jane White
Emily Jane White is a dark folk singer. She first began experimenting with and creating her singing style in the early 00's at
UC Santa Cruz . Her influences include classic blues and folk, modern singers Nick Cave and P.J. Harvey, and the mythologies of different cultures. [cite web|url=http://www.sfweekly.com/2007-05-16/music/from-cormac-mccarthy-to-chan-marshall/ |title=From Cormac McCarthy to Chan Marshall: Emily Jane White's evocative storytelling|publisher=SF Weekly |date=May 16 ,2007 |accessdate=2008-09-03] After completing college and spending time in France, White moved to San Francisco to perform. On November 2nd, 2007, Emily Jane White released her first album, "Dark Undercoat" through Double Negative Records. [http://www.doublenegativerecords.com/releases/releases-emily-jane-white/ Emily Jane White] at Double Negative Records] There are 10 songs on this album, in this order: Bessie Smith, Hole in the Middle, Dark Undercoat, Dagger, Time on Your Side, The Demon, Sleeping Dead, Blue, Wild Tigers I Have Known, and Two Shots to the Head.External links
* [http://www.emilyjanewhite.com Personal website]
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