- FATF-style regional body
FATF-Style Regional Bodies
A number of FATF-style regional bodies exist to bring together countries / jurisdictions to implement the agreed international standards for anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT). The international standards for AML/CFT are set by the
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) through its 40 Recommendations on Money Laundering and 9 Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing. These are often referred to as the FATF 40 + 9 Recommendations.Eight regions have established FATF-style regional bodies. Each of these bodies has an equivalent role in supporting implementation of the international standards for AML/CFT and assessing compliance with the international standards for AML/CFT through Mutual Evaluations.
FATF-Style Regional Bodies are referred to by the abbreviation
FSRB .The eight FATF-style regional bodies are:
APG -Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering [http://www.apgml.org] - covers the Asia/Pacific region[CFATF] http://www.cfatf.org/] - Caribbean Financial Action Task Force - covers the Caribbean region
EAG - Eurasian Group - covers the Central Asia regionESAAMLG - Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-money Laundering Group - covers Eastern and Southern Africa FATF - Financial Action Task ForceGAFISUD - Grupo de Acción Financiera de Sudamérica - covers South AmericaGIABA - Groupe Inter-Gouvernemental d’Action Contre le Blanchiment de l'Argent en Afrique - covers West AfricaMENAFATF - Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force - covers the Middle East and North AfricaMONEYVAL - Council of Europe, Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of AML Measures and FT - covers Europe
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