Liebermann — Lieberman, Liebermann, or Liberman are names deriving from Lieb, a German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) nickname for a person from the German lieb or Yiddish lib, meaning dear, beloved .[1] Many Lieberman families originally spelled the name in Hebrew… … Wikipedia
Lieberman — Lieberman, Liebermann, or Liberman are names deriving from Lieb , a German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) nickname for a pleasant or agreeable person, from the German lieb or Yiddish lib , meaing dear, beloved (Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges, A… … Wikipedia
Malnutrition au Tibet — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Famine au Tibet. Selon une étude effectuée en 1994 et 1995 dans onze comtés de la région autonome du Tibet, la malnutrition y affectait plus de la moitié des enfants âgés de 7 ans ou moins [1]. La cause majeure… … Wikipédia en Français
List of messianic movement leaders — A comprehensive list of all leaders of messianic movements.Notable messianic leaders*Vernon Carrington Rastafari movement leader of Twelve Tribes of Israel sect *Joel Chernoff General Secretary of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America *Charles … Wikipedia
Messianic Judaism — Messianic Judaism is a Protestant movement that emerged in the last half of the 20th century among believers who were ethnically Jewish but had adopted an Evangelical Christian faith. Protestants had pursued efforts to evangelize Jewish people … Encyclopedia of Protestantism
Nain (créature fantastique) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir nain. Un nain tel qu il a été popularisé par la fantasy et les jeux de rôle. Le nain est une créature humanoïde imaginaire souterraine de pe … Wikipédia en Français
Fox News Channel controversies — Critics of Fox News Channel have accused the network of having a bias favoring the political right and the Republican Party. Fox News has publicly denied such charges,[1] stating that the reporters in the newsroom provide separate, neutral… … Wikipedia
Haskins Laboratories — [] is an independent, international, multidisciplinary community of researchers conducting basic research on spoken and written language. Founded in 1935 and located in New Haven, Connecticut since 1970, Haskins… … Wikipedia
Liste der US-amerikanischen Meister im Eiskunstlauf — Die Liste der US amerikanischen Meister im Eiskunstlauf listet die US amerikanischen Eiskunstlaufmeister seit 1914 sowie die Zweit , Dritt und Viertplatzierten. Die US amerikanischen Meisterschaften im Eiskunstlauf sind ein von der United States… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of linguists — Linguistics … Wikipedia