- ING House
The ING House is the
headquarters ofING Group in the business districtZuidas inAmsterdam ,Netherlands .External links
* [http://www.inghouse.com/ ING House]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
The ING House is the
External links
* [http://www.inghouse.com/ ING House]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
board|ing|house — boarding house, or board|ing|house «BR dihng HOWS, BOHR », noun. a house where meals, or rooms and meals, are provided for pay … Useful english dictionary
meet|ing|house — meeting house, or meet|ing|house «MEE tihng HOWS», noun. 1. any place of worship; church. 2. a) a building used for worship in the Quaker fashion. b) British. any nonconformist house of worship; conventicle … Useful english dictionary
clear|ing|house — clearing house, or clear|ing|house «KLIHR IHNG|HOWS», noun. 1. a place where banks exchange checks and bills and settle their accounts. Only the balances are paid in cash. 2. any institution of a similar nature in which claims or differences are… … Useful english dictionary
count|ing|house — counting house, or count|ing|house «KOWN tihng HOWS», noun. a building or office used for keeping accounts and doing business … Useful english dictionary
room|ing house — «ROO mihng, RUM ihng», a house with rooms to rent … Useful english dictionary
forc|ing house — «FR sihng, FOHR », 1. a hothouse or greenhouse to force the growth of plants and flowers. 2. any place favorable for rapid growth. 3. a school with a narrow or restricted curriculum … Useful english dictionary
spong|ing house — «SPUHN jihng», a building formerly maintained by a sheriff s officer in England for the temporary confinement of debtors, from which a person could obtain release through the satisfaction of his creditor or creditors, or be committed to prison … Useful english dictionary
ING — Groep N.V. Unternehmensform Naamloze Vennootschap ISIN … Deutsch Wikipedia
ING-Bank — ING Groep N.V. Unternehmensform Naamloze Vennootschap ISIN … Deutsch Wikipedia
ING Bank — ING Groep N.V. Unternehmensform Naamloze Vennootschap ISIN … Deutsch Wikipedia