Pierre Gardel

Pierre Gardel

Pierre-Gabriel Gardel (4 February 1758, Nancy - 18 October 1840, Paris) was a French ballet dancer and ballet master. He was the brother of Maximilien Gardel.

Entering the school of the Opéra de Paris in 1774, he studied under his brother. He was made premier danseur in 1780, but had to give up his career for health reasons. He took over from his brother as the Opera's ballet master on his death in 1787.

Assisted by Louis Milon, Gardel went on to head the Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris for 40 years, safeguarding it against the turmoil of the French Revolution. A talented choreographer, he enthused the public from his first productions in 1790 right through to those just before his retirement in 1829 - that year, he put on his last show, in the form of a menuet with Marie Taglioni. From 1820, writing ballets was transferred to Jean-Pierre Aumer.

Main works

All put on at the Opéra de Paris.
* 1786 : "Les Sauvages"
* 1790 : "Télémaque dans l'île de Calypso"
* 1790 : "Psyché"
* 1791 : "Bacchus et Ariane"
* 1793 : "Le Jugement de Pâris"
* 1800 : "La Dansomanie"
* 1802 : "Le Retour de Zéphire"
* 1803 : "Daphnis et Pandore"
* 1804 : "Une demi-heure de caprice"
* 1804 : "Achille à Scyros"
* 1806 : "Paul et Virginie"
* 1808 : "Vénus et Adonis"
* 1808 : "Alexandre chez Apelles"
* 1809 : "La Fête de Mars"
* 1810 : "Vertumne et Pomone"
* 1810 : "Persée et Andromède"
* 1812 : "L'Enfant prodigue"
* 1814 : "Le Retour des lys"
* 1815 : "L'Heureux Retour"
* 1817 : "Les Fiancé de Caserte"
* 1818 : "Proserpine"
* 1818 : "Zirphile"
* 1818 : "La Servante justifiée"

External links

* [http://cesar.org.uk/cesar2/people/people.php?fct=edit&person_UOID=100617 His ballets and their 18th century productions on CESAR]

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