Associates for Biblical Research

Associates for Biblical Research

Associates for Biblical Research (abbreviated ABR) is "an evangelical organization founded for the purpose of research and fieldwork in Biblical archaeology." It defines its mission as being "to demonstrate the historical reliability and accuracy of the Scriptures and to propagate the Christian faith ... based on the conviction that the Bible is the Word of God and, therefore, infallible, inerrant and authoritative in its original writings" [ (website of ABR)]

ABR approaches Genesis 1-11 from a Creationist perspective, believing "the accounts found in Genesis 1-11 to be factual historical events." Its approach to the subsequent biblical books is literalist, considering the patriarchal narratives (i.e., the accounts of the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as related in the remainder of Genesis) to be historical, and accepting the Biblical chronologies of the Old and New Testaments as accurate although not necessarily exhaustive. [ (website of ABR)]

ABR publishes "Bible and Spade", a non-technical and non-academic (i.e., articles are not subject to peer review) quarterly written from a scholarly and conservative viewpoint supporting the inerrancy of the Biblical record. [ "Bible and Spade", at] The magazine concentrates largely on matters relating to archaeology and Bible history, but also touches on general apologetics (especially the relationship between science and evangelical religious belief) and Christian devotion. [ "Research", from]


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