SSI has many meanings, depending on the topic:


*Soil structure interaction, an interaction between soil and structure during earthqaukes


* Standard Settlement Instructions, payment processing and settlement information about financial institutions
* Strategic Sustainable Investing, an investment strategy that recognizes financial value in transitional leadership towards sustainability
* Supplemental Security Income, a United States federal government program


* Server Side Includes, a server-side scripting language used on the web
* Server System Infrastructure, design specifications for common server hardware elements
* Single Sign In, a specialized form of software authentication
* Single-system image, a cluster dedicated operating system
* Small Scale Integration, electronic chips
* Synchronous Serial Interface, electronics


* Sliding-Scale Insulin, a method of insulin administration
* Solid State Intelligence, a malevolent entity described by John C. Lilly
* Stress-Strain Index, a measure of bone strength
* Surgical Site Infection, this term is preferred over "Surgical Wound Infection"

Military and Police

* Selective Service Initiative, a form of military conscription in the United States
* Senior Station Inspector, a rank in the Singapore Police Force
* "Serviciul Secret de Informaţii", the Romanian intelligence service in the interwar period (until November 1940)
* "Serviciul Special de Informaţii", the Romanian intelligence service between November 1940 and September 1944
* Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (US Army), formation insignia used by the United States Army
* Staff Sergeant Instructor, an appointment in the British Army
* "Subsecretaria de Inteligência", the Brazilian intelligence agency until 1995
*State Security Intelligence agency of Egypt


* Samsung Semiconductor Inc., a Korean electronics company
* Scuba Schools International, a diver training organization
* Southern Software, Inc. (SSi), a type foundry
* Space Services Inc., a team of companies investigating new commercial opportunities in space
* Space Studies Institute, an American non-profit organisation
* Spatial Sciences Institute, a professional body in the Asia-Pacific region
* "Statens Serum Institut", the Danish State Serum Institute
* Strategic Simulations, Inc., a software company producing simulation games
* Strategic Studies Institute, the United States Army War College institute for geostrategic and national security research and analysis
* Sustainable Sciences Institute, a San Francisco-based organisation building local capacity in developing countries
* "Statens strålskyddsinstitut" (Swedish Radiation Protection Authority), a Stockholm-based regulatory and research government agency.
* Swedish Society for Interlingua, a society that encourages the active use of Interlingua in Sweden.


* Sensitive Security Information, a designation used by the United States Transportation Security Administration
* Solid State Interlocking is the brand name of the first generation processor-based interlocking developed in the 1980s by British Rail, GEC-General Signal and Westinghouse Signals Ltd in the UK.


* Star of the Solomon Islands, the most senior award made by the government of the Solomon Islands

Market Research

* The SSI model, stands for Subject Matter Expertise, Site visits, Industry Consultations

Popular Culture

* Sonic Solutions Incorporated, an electronic music group

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