- Varrock
= Blaenau =
Blaenau, or "MEGA" is a major city in the MMORPG game,
Runescape .Location
In-game, Varrock is located just north of the game's starting point, Lumbridge. It is also, notably, the last human city between the human kingdom of "Misthalin", and the vampire dominated kingdom of "Morytania". Just a few steps north of Varrock is the Revenant infested "Wilderness", an inhospitable wasteland.
Varrock is one of the largest cities in Runescape, and "the" largest for nonpaying players of the game. As such, it has several points of interest, including two banks, an anvil, a rune shop, a sword shop, a sawmill, two altars, a ranger shop, and the one of the only two places for nonpaying players to teleport to the rune essence (the other is located in the basement of the Wizards Tower, south of Draynor mansion). Varrock is also home to "The Grand Exchange" (see below). Due to the immense amount of ammenities in Varrock, it is typically densely populated, and is an ideal location to find help, friends, a clan, or meet with people.
The Grand Exchange
As a result of Runescape's recent updates, "The Grand Exchange" has been added to Runescape. Before the addition of "The Grand Exchange", the main method for trade between players was to go to a large city with a bank (i.e. Varrock) and "spam" a "buy" or "sell" message, for example, "Selling Dagger!". "The Grand Exchange", or "The Exchange", has eliminated spamming trade messages, as instead, players now go to The Exchange and simply put items up for auction, or place a bid. The one and only "Grand Exchange" is located in "Varrock", and as such, even more crowding in the city is evident. It is considered a central hub of the entire game.Since the Grand exchange has been created, prices in the game have gone down, and the selling price of a mass object(e.g coal) stays the same, even if it is sold in mass-e.g 20 at a time.
Varrock is among the oldest of cities of man, built in an ideal location. All of the resources of Misthalin lie at its disposal, and every trade route passes through it at some point. Unfortunately, its success betrays the true danger of life in Varrock. It sits perched on the border of two of the most sinister areas in all of Runescape, The Wilderness and Morytania. Should either of these factions ever mount an assault on the race of men, Varrock would be Runescapes first defence. Not only does danger lay in Varrocks borders, it also lies within. Straight down the middle of the city, a divide between the rich and the desperately poor can be seen, and animosity between the two is a part of every day life. Despite all of these problems, Varrock manages to stand as the single greatest hope for the kingdoms of men, and a haven fore any who wish to avoid the dangerous rogues to the north, or the bloodsucking vampires to the east.
The Knowledge Base article on Varrock-http://www.runescape.com/c=-51ba80d1/kbase/viewarticle.ws?article_id=2641The Runescape World Map-http://www.rhyder.org/world%20map%20-%20members%20andfreegame.jpg
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