WallCooler VPN

WallCooler VPN

Infobox Software
name = WallCooler VPN

caption = WallCooler 2.0
developer = Vedivi Ltd.
latest_release_date = Aug 14, 2008
latest_release_version = 2.0.242
operating_system = Microsoft Windows
language = English
genre = VPN / File sharing / Remote control software
license = Proprietary,Freeware
website = http://www.vedivi.com/

WallCooler VPN is a SSL VPN service. It automatically provides remote network access (VPN) between user's multiple computers/networks if logged in under the same WallCooler user account. The VPN can also be extended to allow other user to access your network (WallCooler Enterprise). WallCooler also has several built-in features which integrates popular functions such as Windows File Sharing, Remote Desktop Connection, Remote Assistance, etc.

Product Versions

There are 3 different types of accounts (all using the same client software): [cite web | url = http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/28231 | title = WallCooler VPN: Easy and affordable VPN Access| accessdate = 2008-09-01]
* Standard (free): Remote Desktop Connection, Access files from remote system within your local applications or open File shares on the remote computer.
* Professional: Provides all the features of a full VPN solution. Including the ability to map drives, print remotely and access network shares.
* Enterprise: Configure stand-alone or multi-site VPN's, supports up to 50 users.


WallCooler runs as a Windows service.

WallCooler VPN has built in several features on top of VPN: [cite web | url = http://help.vedivi.com/gettingstarted/mostofwallcooler/index.html | title = Make the most of WallCooler| accessdate = 2008-09-01]
* Remote Desktop: Log-in to any computer on the remote network using MS Remote Desktop.
* File Sharing: Open & work on documents on any shared drive on the remote network (remote shared folders can be browsed without having been synced).
* Remote Assistance Invite or provide assistance to computer on the remote network using MS Remote Assistance.
* 3rd party applications: Microsoft remote desktop, Microsoft share folder, ssh, ftp can run on top the the WallCooler VPN.

Remote Assistance over WallCooler is not much documented, so only people familiar with it on the local network will make good use of Remote Assistance over WallCooler.


WallCooler establishes a link between computers even if behind NAT by using Relay Servers to transmit the encrypted data. [cite web | url = http://help.online.vedivi.com/FAQ/index.html | title = WallCooler FAQ | accessdate = 2008-09-01] .

Vedivi claims it offers high bandwidth connections (>1Mbps) by operating dedicated relay servers in most states in USA, Europe & Asia (as well as Australia, South Africa & New Zealand) [cite web | url = http://help.online.vedivi.com/support/release_notes.html#V2.0.232 | title = WallCooler release notes | accessdate = 2008-09-01] .

Remote Desktop, File Sharing and Remote Intranet access works very well with the Pro account (from the US and UK).The uplink speed limit of a standard DSL (300Kbps) seems to be the only limiting factor.The free Standard account is just enough for occasional Remote Desktop or Remote Intranet, but struggles with File Sharing (sometimes not usable at all).


WallCooler requires you to create a WallCooler account (ID and password) online.Vedivi claims to use strong, industry-standard algorithms to secure and authenticate the data and its security architecture is open [cite web | url = http://help.online.vedivi.com/FAQ/index.html#Security1 | title = WallCooler Security | accessdate = 2008-09-01] . The WallCooler implementation however is closed source and as such it is not available for the review to the general public.


The standard (free) account is limited to accessing the remote computer only (remote network access requires the Pro account).Also the free account seems to be much slower than the Pro or Enterprise accounts.

ee also

* Citrix
* Comparison of remote desktop software
* GoToMyPC
* Hamachi
* PCAnywhere
* Gotomeeting


External links

* [http://www.vedivi.com/ Official Website]
* [http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/28231 WallCooler VPN: Easy and affordable VPN Access (NetworkWorld)]
* [http://www.oshiete-kun.net/archives/2008/08/wallcooler_vpn.html www.oshiete-kun.net (Japanese)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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