- 2008 Red Square demonstration
The 2008 Red Square demonstration was a
political demonstration that took place onAugust 24 ,2008 , at theLobnoe Mesto inMoscow .Russia , in reference to the1968 Red Square demonstration . The demonstration involved seven protesters unfurling a banner with the slogan For Your Freedom And Ours (Russian: "За вашу и нашу свободу"), [cite web |url=http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/08/25/europe/25russia.4.php|title= Red Square protest echoes 1968|publisher=Gerald Tribune |author = Sophia Kishkovsky|datepublished=August 25 ,2008 года|accessdate=August 31, 2008|lang=en] before police arrived at the scene several minutes later. The police officers detained several protesters and spectators, and tried to destroy all record of the event.Historic context
The demonstration was a reference to the
1968 Red Square demonstration , in which seven Russians protested against theSoviet occupation ofCzechoslovakia (seeWarsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia ). [http://newtimes.ru/news/2008-08-25/2008-08-25-3/ «За вашу и нашу свободу!» Нью Таймс, 25 Августа 2008] ] [ [http://www.svobodanews.ru/Article/2008/08/24/20080824151843650.html Мумин Шакиров. За нашу и вашу свободу! Svoboda News, 24.08.08] ] . The 2008 demonstration was organized to express the sentiment that the Russian Federation had reverted to such Soviet customs, an impression fueled by the inconsistency of official notices published in the media during thewar in South Ossetia . [ [http://yhrm.org/news/archives/08_2008/?vw=909 Youth Human Rights, 24 августа 2008 года] ]Events and aftermath
At noon on
24 August ,2008 , the protesters unfurled a banner reading For Our Freedom And Yours, and began to shout that slogan. [http://yhrm.org/news/archives/08_2008/?vw=917 Юлия Башинова: Смеешь выйти на площадь?] ] .After several minutes, they started explaining their views to spectators, distributing notices, and answering questions. The basic views of the protesters included the following: [ [http://www.izbrannoe.info/44039.html Без тюрьмы и психбольницы] ]
* Political imprisonment has restarted in Russia
* Elections have not been prudent
* Love for country has been substituted with love for its leaders
* The freedom that was created in 1968 is being suppressed today; it is still dangerous to express one's own opinion, and evenbloggers are prosecuted.One police officer subsequently approached the protesters and requested that they leave the area. The protesters complied and began walking along the Red square along with the officer; other officers subsequently joined the group. The protesters handed the banner to the police officers and left the Red Square; only three of them, Dmitroshkin, Zborenki and Ninenko, were detained, along with several spectators who took pictures and recorded videos of the event. These pictures and videos were destroyed, and one camera was reported to have been broken by the police. Four journalists were amongst the detained spectators, namely
*Elena Kostyuchenko (Елена Костюченко), from newspaperNovaya Gazeta («Новая газета»);
*Ivan Rusayev (Иван Русаев), from newspaperVedomosti («Ведомости»);
*Dmitriy Borko (Дмитрий Борко), fromGrani-TV («Грани-ТВ»); and
*Dmitriy Shibayev (Дмитрий Шибаев), from newspaper New Times («Нъю Таймс»).The detained individuals were sent to the
Kitai-gorod police department, where the police officer major Selishev (Селищев) dealt with them. At 12:20pm, all the journalists were released except Kostuchenko, who insisted that the police officers state officially that they had broken her camera. The actions of detained persons were classified as "violation of rules of public events" (article 20.2 of theOffences Code of Russia , "not following the rules of proceedings of a public protest").See also
For your freedom and ours
*1968 Red Square demonstration References
External links
* [http://www.newsmsk.com/article/25Aug2008/zapret.html На Красной площади запретили собираться] , NEWSmsk.com.
* [http://www.newsru.com/russia/24aug2008/poi.html Семь человек на Красной площади сказали "нет" танкам России в Грузии - трое задержаны]NEWSru , 24 августа 2008 года.
* [http://www.interfax.ru/society/news.asp?id=28844 Правозащитники удивляются, почему на Красной площади нельзя провести мирную акцию протеста] ,Интерфакс
* [http://www.echo.msk.ru/news/536149-echo.html Российские правозащитники протестуют против задержания в воскресенье на Красной площади группы молодых людей] ,Эхо Москвы .Video
* http://grani-tv.ru/entries/443/ (Грани-ТВ), in Russian
* http://piter.indymedia.ru/node/5195 , in RussianRussian version
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