- Pierre Cornuel
Author, painter, illustrator, Pierre Cornuel was born in
1952 inFrance . Awarded a diploma by the college of the modern arts of Paris, he published about fifty albums for youth, mainly with the publisherGrasset . His work as an illustrator and a meditative painter is worth to him an international recognition and numerous prizes.Biography
Son of a sales representative, Pierre Cornuel discovers painting and drawing thanks to the works of
Fautrier ,Rothko , but also the weeklySpirou , to which he is subscribed from his youngest age.The variety of its sources of inspiration, in which it is again necessary to add the Jazz, the
dodecaphonic music, orJimi Hendrix , makes a polymorphic and unclassifiable artist.So, Pierre Cornuel collaborates, in youth publishing, with Henriette Bichonnier or Lydia Devos.His meditative, but also carnal painting, and crossed with distortions, is well known and exposed in several countries. Pierre Cornuel is also an illustrator in press, advertising, alive arts and the record industry.He collaborates in the creation of cartoon movies (such “The Santa Claus and the Magician”, in 1994).
In 2007, he founds, with other artists stemming from the painting, literature, or theater, the collective [http://www.lena-gallery.com Lena Gallery] .
election of books
"Bistouri show", Grasset, 2006
"Le chat bleu, l'alouette, et le canard timide", Grasset,2005 ( with Amanda Sthers)
"Chacun son look", Grasset, 2002
"Gourou de mouton", Grasset, 2000
"Un dimanche à la campagne", Lo Pais EDS, 1999 ( with Lydia Devos )
"Embrouille chez les grenouilles", Grasset, 1998
"Gare aux dragounes", Grasset, 1994
"Le dernier des abominaffreux" Grasset, 1987 ( with Henriette Bichonnier)
"Le chat et la souris voyagent dans l'espace," Grasset, 1983 ( with Henriette Bichonnier)
"Les deux maisons de Désiré Raton", Grasset, 1982 ( with Lydia Devos)
Painting selection
"Extrapolation", "Argument", "En quête d'Absolu", 2006-2007, in the set Minimalisme
Ulysse ", "Circé ," "La Grotte dePolyphème ", 2005, in the setOdyssey "Les moines de
Tibhirine ," "Emérgence", "Jazz Club 2007", 2000-2007, in the set Messages"Spititualité" I et II, "Fleur de Lune", "Dragon rouge", 2000-2002, in the set Asia
Official websites :
* [http://painting.pierrecornuel.com Official website of the painter Pierre Cornuel]
* [http://www.pierrecornuel.com/ Site Official website of the illustrator Pierre Cornuel]
* [http://www.lena-gallery.com Official of the collective Lena Gallery]
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