Paul Hahnel

Paul Hahnel

Paul Hahnel (17 April 1843 , Schlegenburg in Leobsanütz , Silesia - 12 May 1887, Manicore) He collected Lepidoptera and Coleoptera in Venezuela (1877/79) and made two Amazon expeditions the first 1879-1884) and the second, with Otto Michael 1885/87). His collecton was sold to Otto Staudinger and Andreas Bang-Haas


*Fassl, A. H. 1921 [Hahnel, P.] "Ent. Z." 35(13) 49-50.
*Lamas, G. 1981 [Hahnel, P.] "Rev. Per. Ent." 23 1980(1) 25-31.
*Staudinger, O. 1890: [Hahnel, P.] "Dt. Ent. Z. Iris" 3(1) 128-132.

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