Woodlands Presbyterian Church Northern Ireland

Woodlands Presbyterian Church Northern Ireland



Woodlands Presbyterian (sometimes affectionately known as Woody P) is a Presbyterian Church in Carrickfergus, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. The current Minister is Leslie Addis a post that he's held since 2000.

Service Information

The Morning service is held at 11 am. The Creche is open for children under 3 years old. Before the service at 10 am there is a prayer time in the oak room and coffee is served in the coffee bar from half 10. Leslie leads the services and the Church also band lead the worship. There's also an evening service that starts at 7pm and is usually smaller with a time of sharing. Half way through the services there is an offering where Church members may give a donation of their money to the Church. Six times during the year they have a communion which are January (PM), March (AM), May (PM), September (PM), November (AM) and the last Sunday of June (AM) - a communion to which all Christians are invited. As with most Churches it has baptisms for "believers and their children and new Christians (and others) who are welcome to talk to the minister or any of the Elders about their own or their children’s baptism." [cite web|url=http://www.woodlandschurch.co.uk/services.htm|title=Sunday Services|date=2008-04-20|last=Addis|first=Leslie|accessdate=2008-08-31|publisher=Woodlands Presbyterian]

D- Groups (Cell Groups)

Woodlands has its own Cell groups or Discipleship groups as they call it.They believe the Bible teaches that meeting together in small groups encourages:

Prayer – communicating at a deeper level with God

The study and application of God’s word – God communicating with us in a way that changes us

Fellowship – deepening the quality of relationships with each other

Accountability to one another for growth, discipleship, ministry

Service and outreach

The use of spiritual gifts

All of these features compliment the corporate times of worship and encourage us in our own personal walk with God.

At present 150 "Woodlanders" are signed up to Cell Groups. [cite web|url=http://www.woodlandschurch.co.uk/cells.htm|title=Cell Groups|date=2008-04-20|last=Addis|first=Leslie|accessdate=2008-09-11|publisher=Woodlands Presbyterian]

King's Kids

King's Kids happens every Sunday Morning during the morning service and is for kids from P1- Year 8 (1st year).The kids go into small groups and have juice and biscuits, then they gather together for stories, quiz, puppets, singing and memory verse. After this they go back into their groups to do crafts, worksheets and chat time.

King's Kids Core ValuesIn King's Kids will:

teach the Bible creatively, support the children as they grow as disciples of the King, use small groups to build better relationships with the children, ensure that all children feel loved and safe, develop links with their families, encourage the children to feel more part of the Woodlands family, and ensure that it is the best hour of every child's week. [cite web|url=http://www.woodlandschurch.co.uk/kings_kids.htm|title=King's Kids|date=2008-04-20|last=Addis|first=Leslie|accessdate=2008-08-31|publisher=Woodlands Presbyterian]


Woodlands Presbyterian also has their own GB. The GB is on every Monday night from 6pm. There are 5 different G.B. groups differating by age!

The Tinnies are for 3-4 years and is from 6.00 -7.30pm

The Explorers are for 5-7 years and is from 6.30-8.30pm

The Juniors are for 8-10 years and is from 6.30-8.30pm

The Seniors are for 11-13 years and is from 7.00-9.00pm

The Brigadiers are for 14-18 years and is from 7.00-9.30pm. [cite web|url=http://www.woodlandschurch.co.uk/gb.htm|title=GB|date=2008-04-20|last=Addis|first=Leslie|accessdate=2008-08-31|publisher=Woodlands Presbyterian]

BB and Anchor Boys

The BB and Anchor Boys meet every Thursday. The Anchor Boys are for 5-8 years and meet from 6.15-7.30pm, the Juinor BB are for 9-11 years and meet from 7.00-9.00pm and finally the Older BB are for 11-18 years and meet from 8.00-10.15pm. Anchors and the Juinors is part of the Boys' Brigade which is a worldwide Christian organisation. It is a safe, secure, happy, fun and loving organization which is run by Christian Leaders. The boys follow a programme week-by-week which is planned and prepared by the leaders. They learn new tasks and skills. Examples from learning Bible stories to setting the table, from singing to learning about the environment and from games to finding out about the emergency services.

They also do Games, Singing, Storytelling, Bible stories, Marching and Craft. The boys meet in the sports hall for a few games at the beginning. Their uniform consists of Red Anchors sweatshirt, Blue Anchors polo shirt, Grey school trousers, Black gutties and a black armband. [cite web|url=http://www.woodlandschurch.co.uk/anchors.htm|title=Anchors and Juniors|date=2008-04-20|last=Addis|first=Leslie|accessdate=2008-08-31|publisher=Woodlands Presbyterian] The Older start off by doing Fall in, prayer and announcements. (sometimes followed by a little drill). They then go for Refreshments in the link coffee bar. After that they do Scripture Bible study etc. They then do varied badge work activities such as designing a website. Then Sports in the hall, table tennis in the link. And finally at 10:15 they go home. [cite web|url=http://www.woodlandschurch.co.uk/company.htm|title=Older BB|date=2008-04-20|last=Addis|first=Leslie|accessdate=2008-08-31|publisher=Woodlands Presbyterian]

Youth Fellowship


Every Sunday night after Church (during term time) from 8:30 until 10:00 they have a Youth Fellowship (or YF as its most commonly called) for young people from Year 8 (1st year) up to "have fun and worship God". The YF is usually lead by the Youth Pastor Stuart Hawthorne. During the Youth Fellowship they usually have a games time, a praise time and a testimony. In the games time they have Gang Games where the Young People split up into different gangs to compete for points for there gang. The praise time is led by the band and once a month they have a radiant praise night where the Young People glorify God through prayer and worship. In a month where there are 5 Sundays there is a night called 'Unified'. This is a night were all members of the congregation are invited to stay behind for Youth Fellowship. These are great nights of fun and fellowship for the whole church community where the adults get involved in the gang games and there is also opportunity to read and hear a message the Word and praise God together. On the last Friday of the month they have a social event where they head out together for a bit of craic. Some activities include: Bowling, Ice-Skating, Lisburn Leisure Plex and Car Treasure Hunts. Afterwards they grab a bite to eat and bring it back to the coffee bar at church. Every year the Youth Fellowship heads away to a youth hostel for the weekend. These weekends usually involve a lot of banter, outdoor activities and plenty of opportunity to meet and encounter God. [cite web|url=http://www.woodlandschurch.co.uk/yf.htm|title=YF|date=2008-04-20|last=Addis|first=Leslie|accessdate=2008-08-31|publisher=Woodlands Presbyterian]


YF unofficially started on 26th August for a "pro evo tournament" which was won by Big A's team. YF would start on the 2nd September. They would then go to Bush Mills youth hostel for the YF weekend. In which "Gang Games" would start where the Young People split up into different gangs to compete for points for there gang. On 21 March 2008 they would have an Undeserving Youth Night with dancing, craic and banter. On the 5th April 2008 they would go to the Celebration of Hope at the Odyssey. On 20th, 21st and 22nd of August they would hold there first Summer Mission. In which they would stay over at the church for three days. The theme for the Summer Mission was "Glory Declared". It is similar to the early Church where they would eat together etc.

Summer Mission 2008

On 20th August The Summer Mission would start at 8:30. Breakfast was at 9:00 which included toast and cereal. At 10:00 there was a Bible study on John 14:15-31. At 11:30 they would be split up into 4 groups: a street group, a work group, a sport group and a dance group. Where they would plan their afternoon activities. After that (at 12:30) there was lunch (sandwiches). The teams would head out at 13:30. The work group would pick up litter around the community, do any chores needed by the locals and spread the word of Jesus. The sport group would work with young people and get a game of football going. They would chat to the young people, invite them to the Glory Declared event that night and spread the word of Jesus. The dance/rap group would perform for people, chat with them, invite them to Glory Declared and spread the word of Jesus. After that there was free/shower time. Tea time would be at 17:30 with desert (Pavlova). At 19:00 it would be there evening worship. Which would start with a dance from the dance team while Terry and Sharkey performed their rap. The speaker would be from Crown Jesus speaking about creation. After that there would be supper, banter and games with a Rock Paper Scissors tournament and Paddy's Black Pig. And bedtime would be at 00:00. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=7813141398&BlogId=7855077764|title=Summer Mission Wed|date=2008-08-20|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-26|publisher=Woodlands FC and YF ] On the Thursday there would be a prayer Time at 8:30 and Breakfast at 9:00. The Bible study at 10:00 on John 6 v 1-15 which would be on feeding the five thousand. The teams would once again plan at 11:30, lunch at 12:00 and then they would head out at 13:30. The shower time would be at 16:30. And tea time at 17:30. The evening worship at 19:00 with a DJ and Terry and Sharkey rapping. There would then be a guest speaker talking about the Cross. 22:00 would be Supper, Banter and Games with Wheel of Fortune. Bed at 00:00. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=7813141398&BlogId=7855078108|title=Summer Mission Thur|date=2008-08-20|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-26|publisher=Woodlands FC and YF ] On the Friday there would be a Bible Study at 8:30 and Breakfast at 9:00. The Bible Study at 10:00 on Matt 25:14-30: The Parable of the Talents. Preparation at 11:30, Lunch at 12:30 and teams head out at 13:30. Free time at 16:30 and tea time at 17:30. With Lasagna and Curry, and for dessert Cheesecake and Birthday cake. At 19:00 was the Evening Worship with Woodlands' own Minister Leslie Addis speaking on "The Christian". Supper at 22:00 and then Home Time. It was an enjoyable three days for the Young People. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=7813141398&BlogId=7855078472|title=Summer Mission Fri|date=2008-08-20|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-26|publisher=Woodlands FC and YF ]


YF would start back on 7th September 2008 for an overview of a the new year. It was announced that that there would be a new group called AV20-30 which would meet once a month for a bit of craic for people aged 20-30. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=7813141398&BlogId=7855094573|title=YF 7th Sept|date=2008-09-22|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-22|publisher=Woodlands FC and YF ] They would return to Bushmills Youth Hostel one the 19th, 20th and 21st of September. The Theme for the weekend was "The Trinity" like last years "Gang Games" they would introduce a new format of "Gladiator Games" in which there are 4 gladiator teams. On 28th September there was a Youth Church service led by Chris Colgan and a table quiz afterwards. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=7813141398&BlogId=7855118057|title=YF 28th Sept|date=2008-09-22|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-22|publisher=Woodlands FC and YF ]

Weekend September 2008

They would leave the Church at 5:45 and arrive at 19:00. They would then have some worship and Chris Colgan would speak about God The Father the first of the three Trinity talks. There would then be some supper (Hot Dogs) and Games including Malice Mallets, One footed Gladiator on a chair match and a Rock, Paper Scissors tournament.On the Saturday the Leaders would pray at 8:30 then breakfast (toast, tea and Cereal) at 9:00. 10:00 was the Bible Study on Acts Chapter 2 (Pentecoste). After the Bible Study there was Lunch Chicken and Leek soup and hot Dogs. The afternoon activities would follow with the Football team going to their cup match and everyone else to whiterock beach. For Relay races up and down the Sand dunes, Rounders, American Football, Tug of war and general "Beach Banter". They would arrive back to get showered and changed for dinner at 17:30. Where they would go out into Bush Mills for a Chippy or a Chinese. At 19:00 They would have evening worship and Jesus the son was spoke by Lynsay Addis. There would be Supper at 22:00 which would be hot dogs. After Supper Banter with a singing game won by the claws and Mallice Mallets won by the Spartans. There would be some unscheduled singing by Jonny Parkes, A movie and then Bed. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=7813141398&BlogId=7833358566|title=YF weekend Sat|date=2008-09-22|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-22|publisher=Woodlands FC and YF ] On the Sunday the Leaders would pray at 8:30 then breakfast (toast, tea and Cereal) at 9:00. At 9:45 it would be pack up time. 10:00 was the Youth Church where Youth Pastor Stuarty Hawthorne would speak about the Holy Spirit, Chris Conn would read his poem entitled "The Trinity" which he had wrote prior to the Weekend, Grahame would sing praise and then Jonny Parkes would sing more praise. Lunch would be served at 12:45 which was Roast Beef, Yorkshire Puddings, Potatoes, Parsnip and Gravy. And for Desert Banoffe with fresh cream or Apple Crumble with fresh cream. They would then go to Whiterock beach for some American Football, jumping from Sand Dunes and "Beach Banter". At 15:45 they would leave and Arrive at the Church at 17:00. It was an enjoyable weekend for the Young people. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=7813141398&BlogId=7833383820|title=YF weekend Sun|date=2008-09-22|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-22|publisher=Woodlands FC and YF ]

Woodlands F.C.


infobox Football club
clubname = Woodlands F.C.
current = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballymena_%26_Provincial_Intermediate_League#Junior_Division_2

fullname = Woodlands Presbterian Football Club
nickname = "Woodlands"

founded = 2006
ground = Woodburn Playing Fields
capacity =
chairman =
owner =
manager = flagicon|NIR Leslie Addis
league = Ballymena & Provincial Junior Division league 2
season = Juinor Division League 2 2008-09
position = Junior Division league 2, 9th
pattern_b1=_shoulder stripes blue stripes
pattern_la1=_shoulder stripes blue stripes half
pattern_ra1=_shoulder stripes blue stripes half
pattern_sh1=_blue stripes
Woodlands F.C. is a football team managed by Minister Leslie Addis. The team play in the Ballymena & Provincial Junior Division 2 league. [cite web|url=http://www.nifootball.co.uk/division/table/BallymenaAndProvincial/JuniorDivision2.html|title=Ballymena & Provincial Junior Division 2 league|date=2008-09-12|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-12|publisher=NI football] They play in yellow with a blue strip round the the collar and two blue stripes round the arms.


They were established in 2006 and joined the BBOB league in 2006/07 season. In the 2007/08 season they moved to the Ballymena & Provincial Junior Division 2 league, where they currently play in.

Woodlands Football Squad

:"As of 13 September 2008."The team currently consists of:

Fs player|nat=Northern Ireland|pos=FW|name=Jonny Parkes [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=7813141398&BlogId=7855134294|title=Woodlands team|date=2008-09-27|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-27|publisher=Woodlands FC and YF ]

2008 - 09 Season

Junior division 2

On 23rd August it was a great way to start the season for Woodlands F.C. against 14th Newtownabbey side. Woodlands would take an early lead when Aaron Sharkey finished from close range after a Paul Addis Addis corner. Ten Minutes later Woodlands were 2 up after Chris Colgan caught the rebound and finished from close range after Paul Addis strike. Sharkey scored his second of the match from thirty yards. In the second half Jonny Parkes would score and Chris Colgan would score his second and give Woodlands a comfortable five - nil victory. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=4435049757&BlogId=7699982304|title=WOODLANDS FC v 14th Newtownabbey, Aug. 23rd 2008|date=2008-08-23|last=Addis|first=Leslie|accessdate=2008-09-12|publisher=Leslie Addis Bebo] They were scheduled to play Dundrod OB on 30th August but it was postponed. [cite web|url=http://www.nifootball.co.uk/team/viewteam/WoodlandsFC.html|title=Woodlands F.C. Fixtures|date=2008-08-23|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-12|publisher=Ni Football] On 6th September Woodlands would win there second match this time against Antrim Rovers they would win 3- 1 after goals from Jonny Smith, Davy Ellison and Pete Morgan. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=4435049757&BlogId=7761993908|title=Antrim Rovers 1 v 3 Woodlands FC|date=2008-09-06|last=Addis|first=Leslie|accessdate=2008-09-12|publisher=Leslie Addis Bebo] On 27th September they played Rasharkin Reserves in which they would lose 4-1 there first league loss this season. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=7813141398&BlogId=7859982800|title=Junior Division 2 vs Rasharkin Res|date=2008-09-27|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-27|publisher=Woodlands FC and YF ] They were scheduled to play (currently) top of the league Magherafelt Sky Blues Reserves on 4th October however it was called off due to bad weather conditions. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=7813141398&BlogId=7889397640|title=Division 2 vs Magherafelt Sky Blues Res (Called Off)|date=2008-10-01|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-27|publisher=Woodlands FC and YF ] On 11th October they played Cookstown Olympic Colts with Woodlands gaining the early lead but Cookstown would score two goals to finish the game 2-1 to Cookstown. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=7813141398&BlogId=7947278003|title=vs Cookstown Olympic Colts (Home)|date=2008-10-11|last=|first=|accessdate=2008-09-27|publisher=Woodlands FC and YF ]

Linda Welshman Memorial Cup

On 13th September 2008 Woodlands were sheduled to face Newtownabbey FC in the first round of the Linda Welshman Memorial Cup but half way through the match one of Woodland s's players got seriously injured and an ambulance was needed. The match would end 3-2, giving Woodlands their first defeat.

Junior Cup

On the 20th September 2008 they played away to St.Comgalls in the first round of the Junior Cup. This match was during the YF Weekend causing the players to drive from Bush Mills all the way to Carrickfergus they would lose 3-0. [cite web|url=http://www.bebo.com/BlogView.jsp?MemberId=7813141398&BlogId=7833256291|title=Juinior Cup Match 2008|date=2008-09-22|last=YF and Football Team|first=Woodlands|accessdate=2008-09-22|publisher=WoodlandsYF and Football Team Bebo]


League Awards

Junior Division 2

Sportsman of the Year award
*Winners: 2007/2008: Chrissy Reynolds [cite web|url=http://www.ballymenatimes.com/ballymenaprovincial/PICTURE-GALLERY-Ballymena-and-Provincial.4189578.jp?articlepage=2|title=Awards|date=2008-06-17|last=Alexander|first=Stephen|accessdate=2008-10-11|publisher=Ballymena Times]


External Links

* [http://www.woodlandschurch.co.uk/ Official Woodlands Presbyterian website]
* [http://www.nifootball.co.uk/team/viewteam/WoodlandsFC.html Woodlands F.C. Fixtures]
* [http://www.bebo.com/WoodlandsYFandFC YF and Football team Bebo]

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