Hermann Hauser Sr.

Hermann Hauser Sr.

Herman Hauser Senior (1882-1952) is one of the most important guitar makers, or luthiers, in history. [http://www.hauserguitars.com/english/docs/geschichte.htm] [http://www.hauserguitars.com/hauser_contribute/beitrag_wildner_002.htm ] [http://www.learnclassicalguitar.com/hauser.html] He apprenticed in his father Josef Hauser’s studio and ultimately came to run it. The Hauser enterprise produced not only guitars, but zithers, lutes and other stringed instruments. Guitar models included the Vienna, the Munich, the Terz, Prim and Quintbass. Hauser introduced many innovations in top and body construction, and his guitars are prized today for their clear, loud and rich sound and great sustain. [http://www.crane.gr.jp/CRANE_Back_No/HauserRestoreAndreaTacchi/E.html] Andres Segovia and numerous other maestros have played guitars made by Herman Hauser (or Hauser I or Hauser Sr. guitars as they are called). In fact, the Hauser I guitar which Andres Segovia played between 1937 and 1970 is on display at the Metropolitan Museum of New York.

Hauser’s son, Hermann Hauser II (1911-1988) and grandson, Hermann Hauser III (born in 1958) have continued the master luthier’s tradition.


External Links

* [http://www.guitarfoundation-online.com/ Herman Hauser Foundation] (German)
* [http://www.hauserguitars.de/ Official Site, Hauser Guitars] (German and English)

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