- The Life & Times of Tim
"The Life and Times of Tim" is an animated comedy series created by
HBO about a man in his mid 20s named Tim (Steve Dildarian ), living in New York City with his girlfriend Amy (Mary Jane Otto), who constantly finds himself in increasingly awkward situations.Dildarian, in addition to providing the the voice of Tim, serves as the series' executive producer. Dildarian is most notable for his famous "Budweiser Lizards" campaign. He is also known for his animated short "Angry Unpaid Hooker," which was awarded the Best Animated Short at the 2006 Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen and is the basis for "The Life and Times of Tim".
Tom Werner (That 70's Show ,Third Rock From the Sun , andThe Cosby Show ),Jimmy Miller ( andBorat ) and Mike Clements executive produce as well.Other cast includes
* Bob Morrow as Debbie, the multiracial prostitute that lives next door
Cheri Oteri as Chuk, an Asian bartender* Peter Giles as The Boss, Tim's nameless boss
* Matt Johnson as Rodney, The Boss's assistant from Long Island
Nick Kroll as Tim's best friend Stu.The show premiered September 28, 2008 on HBO.
The show was originally developed for
FOX last year but has since been slated for 10 episodes by HBO. This is the first adult HBO animated series sinceSpawn (TV series) .External Links
[http://www.hbo.com/tim HBO: The Life & Times of Tim]
[http://www.thefutoncritic.com/rant.aspx?id=20080605b The Futon Critic review]
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