- Benjamin Hedericus
Benjamin Hedericus (1675 - 1748) is most notable as author of a Greek Lexicon, which was widely used in the Roman Catholic Church in Europe.
He was also the author of:
* "Notitia Auctorum Antiqua et Media"
* "Progymnasmata Linguae Graecae"
* "Progymnasmata Linguae Latinae"
* "Fasti Consulares Romani"
* "Reales Schul-Lexicon"
* "Lexicon Manuale Graecum" - edited and expanded byJohann August Ernesti in 1767
* "Grundliches Mythologisches Lexicon"
* "Lexicon Manuale Latino-Germanicum"He also edited
Empedocles ' "De Sphaera" and a Latin edition ofTertullian .There was another Dr. Hedericus, who was a Lutheran pastor at
Iglau , and an opponent of theMoravian Church in the 16th Century.
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