

Borgu was a country in Africa, partitioned between the Great Britain and France by the Anglo-French Convention of 1898. It lies in what is now Nigeria and the Republic of Benin.

People of Borgu were known as Bariba and Borgawa.

The most eastern country where people from Borgu (Dar Borgu) were reported in the first half of the 19th century was Wolqayt in northwestern Ethiopia. [Mansfield Parkyns, "Life in Abyssinia: Being Notes Collected During Three Years’ Residence and Travels in That Country" (London, 1853), p. 350] This group is descended from a party of Muslims who had fulfilled their "hajj" (pilgrimage to Mecca), and decided to settle in Walqayt instead of completing their return trip. Their descendants, today speaking Tigrinya, are now called "Tsellim Bet" ("House of the Black"), mixed with other groups of central African origin.


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