Inés Efron

Inés Efron

Inés Efron (born 1985) is Argentinian actress best known for her appearance at critically acclaimed film XXY written and directed by Lucía Puenzo. Efron's character is 15-year-old intersex person trying to make decision about her or his identity. Efron pointed out that "I liked the Alex character a lot and thought: I can do that. I felt a real connection." [ [ Inés Efron & Martín Piroyansky: interview] // Time Out London] Efron won the award for the Best Actress at Cartagena Film Festival.

She is mentioned by Internet portal as "one of the most interesting arising actresses of Buenos Aires" ( _es. una de las actrices en ascenso más interesantes de la escena local) [ [ INES EFRON, PROTAGONISTA DE LA POLEMICA XXY: "Bienvenidos a mi mundo"] ] .

Before "XXY" Inés Efron has starred in "Glue - Historia adolescente en medio de la nada", a drama about three teenagers set in a small town in Patagonia. She is also playing in theatre.



* [ Inés Efron at Alternativa Teatral]

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